Part 25

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I kind of just stared in shock, words couldn't describe the confusion I was experiencing, so I decided that I shouldn't even attempt. My mouth hang agape and my eyes were almost popping out of my sockets because of how unexpected I was for this.

Violetta giggled and kicked me back with both her feet, releasing herself from my grasp.
"My, my, Mr. Harroworth do you amuse me." Her body loomed over me and I could clearly see a grin across her face, one that would be ingrained into my mind. Why the hell was it that all the people I had to fight so far were all fucking mad?

"H- how did you manage to..?" I stuttered and rambled, trying to force the words out of my mouth as they desperately held themselves back with utter fear. There were not many things that scared me, I still stand by that to this day. However, if there were to be one thing that would, without any doubt create unimaginable fear, it was when someone had control over me and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

"Mr. Harroworth, I gave you your limbs back, all I need to do is to add a touch of Eupherbian magic and I can control them like a puppet. Watch!" She flicked her wrist and I was sent flying up onto my feet, arm first as she led me around my own arena, dancing along the edge, centimetres away from incinerating myself. She moved body almost rhythmically, causing me to throw myself about against my will, dancing under her control.

"Come on Mr. Harroworth! You'd make a great dancer!" She pulled her arm back in and I practically flew into her direction, her hand locked with mine and I was in her grasp, she spun me, then flicker her other hand, pulling me back, her grip still tight on my arm. Violetta kicked wildly, each one landing their mark perfectly. I attempted to block some, but with only one arm I could control, it became incredibly difficult to prevent her attacks.

"Goddamnit! Flame Series: Blitz!" My good arm glowed red and I pointed it at her, my palm spread open wide. She let go of my hand and my other arm would grab my good hand and point it downward at my feet, I tried to resist, but the grasp was too strong, fuelled by her magic. An explosive ball of fire would shoot out from my hand, destroying the ground beneath me and blasting me backwards, toward the edge of the arena.

"Now, Mr. Harroworth, I've had my fun, but I think it's time we end this, clearly you were not suited for taking on Maxwell, I apologise for bothering you." She walked over to me and sighed. "I was really hoping you would be of use to us."

I grunted and a rush of anger overcame me. I pushed myself upward and stared directly into Violetta's eyes. "Listen, I can take a lot of things, I can let a lot of things slide. I've been assaulted, stalked and harassed by you and your friend, Hojo. But I have not said a single word about it. Frankly, I accepted it and let you get away with it. But, if I'm going to just sit here and let you tell me that I'm not 'worth your time', even after everything you have done to me, every stressful moment, when I wanted to go into a ball and hide from it all. Then I'd be a pushover and a wimp and that's not something I'm willing to let slide."

"Void Series: Spacial Manipulation!"

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