Part 19

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Was it Hojo? No, that wouldn't make sense, he possesses otherworldly abilities and can appear wherever he likes, there would be no need for him to do something as trivial as opening a door. Whoever it was, they were unwanted and a potential threat.

"Screw it..." I growled under my breath and pushed open the door, the light illuminating the living room in front of me.

My eyes met with a girl, small in size but around the same age, playing with a match in her hand. Lighting the match, it illuminated the room, allowing for a slightly clearer view of the girl. She looked up at me and smiled,
"Looks like we meet, Mr. Harroworth."
Her voice was oddly sickening, in a sweet kind of way, like the effect you get after eating too much chocolate, an unwanted sick feeling mixed with the unparalleled sweet taste.

Then I noticed something. I noticed the hoodie. A strange symbol engraved on the front and back.

I spoke, "You're-" she cut me off, "Yes, yes I am that girl, the one you slammed a door in." The facade of her voice faded, she was clearly angry, yet, something sinister embodied itself within it.

"However, we don't have time for introduction, I need something from you and, being the fact I gave you a place to stay and healthcare, even going as far to heal your wounds for you..." She gestured to my regrown limbs. "I feel you are more than obliged to help me."

I sighed and looked at the girl, "Listen, I am really not in a position to help small women for anything. I have enough crap on my hands as it is." I was very obviously lying, not in the mood to deal with another person.

"Oh? Is that so?" Her glare cut through me, she saw through my act with absolutely no trouble at all. "Well, Mr. Harroworth, I'm afraid that I can take your entire life away with just a flick of my fingers, you have no clue what I'm capable of and I thought you'd be more than willing to oblige, seeing as I've done nothing but be generous to you. However, since you are not ready to help me, I can take all that away if I have to, your house, your limbs... your life."

She stepped closer toward me and looked me dead in the eye,
"So, Mr. Harroworth, let me ask again, care to give me a helping hand?"

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