Part 20 - Chapter 5 - Little Lost Girl

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Parts are going to be a bit longer now, I have a lot of writing and it would be unfair if I stretched it out onto one hundred parts so it looks like I have more views.

"That depends on what you need help with." I stated, "Trust me, while I appreciate being given back use of my limbs and stopping me from burning in a fire I created, but I'm not willing to give up my life for a suicide mission."

The girl looked at me and sighed. "Alright then Mr. Harroworth, I guess I'm going to have to tell you what's going on." I flicked a light switch and the room was illuminated, pulling up a chair I sat down and made eye contact with the girl. "I guess you're about to give me a backstory then." I grimaced, "Well, go on. I have no other choice but to listen to you, anyway."

"Well, let me start off by telling you what I am before I tell you who I am, or what I need." She sat on the table and chewed her lip. "It's pretty obvious I'm not human, I mean, no one here really is. I'm a race known as the Eupherbia, we're close to the human species in terms of anatomy, however we possess large amounts of magical power."
"You mean Magus?" I cut in, curious if anyone else possessed the same version of magic as I had.
"No, while we are aware of Magus and the people who create magic using it, we do not have a need for it, as magic is an immediate attribute of the Eupherbia. Magus is obtained with interacting with a Magus Ruin, an object containing the key to untapped Magus." She stated, "Now please, don't interrupt me."

"My people aren't the most... Lenient of people when it comes to laws and rules.
Our version of a 'government' is a ruthless system, where the smallest thing is punishable by either torture, ostracism or in an even worse case, death."

"I tell you this because, well, I had to escape from the clutches of the government when an acquaintance of mine..." She seemed to struggle to speak when it came to the word acquaintance, her voice quivered and shook, but I decided not to press further. "... broke one of the laws and was sentenced to death by the system."

"So, in a last ditch attempt to save him from death, I used a government relic to allow us to escape from our realm." She sighed and I noticed her voice quavering more, it seemed the next part would be hard for her to explain. "It would have been okay... But something happened. My friend changed, physically and mentally. He changed from what would look like a regular person, into a savage beast. He's become so distant, at point he barely recognises who I am and at others, he's not afraid to attack me." She paused, I could tell that she was really struggling to tell this story, I thought about saying something, but decided otherwise. If I was going to help, I had to know the story.

"I don't stand a chance against him by myself, he's known for incredible magical and physical prowess and is a force to be reckoned with. I know how you fight, Mr. Harroworth, hell, you stood against Hojo and survived on multiple occasions. This is why I want your help. I need you to help me subdue him."

She stopped, her story over. She looked at me expectantly, as if waiting for me to say something. I got up and sighed, running my hands through my hair, "That's quite a bit to throw on me, I have a few questions before I can be of assistance to you." The situation was rather odd and it was a lot to take in at once, I needed to be sure that I wasn't making a stupid decision due to a lack of knowledge. "First of all, what can this beast of yours do?"

"As I previously stated, our race itself is very adept when it comes to magic, but he is one above that. He's ranked highest in the militia when it comes to casting ability and his physical prowess is something to be reckoned with." She stated, her tone now formal and business-like.

"What crime did he commit to get your government on his ass?" I asked. "I find it hard to believe you had to escape from your realm because of something as simple as stealing, for example."

"We- He was arrested on the charges of treason and for the murder of a government member, he was released from the military with dishonourable discharge."
"Did you say 'we'?"
"..." She didn't respond.
"I'll take that as a yes. So you and your friend murdered a government official and both of you were arrested on the act of treason?"
"... Yes."
"I see."

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