Part 26

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Almost as soon as the words left my mouth, the area around us began to warp and distort and our surroundings disappeared, leaving a colourless, empty void in its place. A surge of energy overcame me and I felt the all so familiar rush of magus potential flowing through my body once more. It was and still will be one of the most invigorating experiences of mine, using my spacial manipulation technique to get raw magus inside me, it honestly felt like a temporary high.

The ground beneath us stretched out almost endlessly, creating the perfect arena for a magical fight. This was going to be interesting. There were a few pieces of debris scattered about the place, I assumed they were from my previous battle with Hojo. There wasn't particularly too much of it, I was pretty sure that was because of his rather impressive explosion, which obliterated pretty much anything that was in its radius.

Violetta looked at me and chuckled, "Well, well, so this is your fabled Void ability that Hojo told me all about." She took it all in, "I must say, it looks rather bland, all I can really see is debris and then there's just an empty nothingness. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I mean, you did call it your Void ability for a reason."

She readied herself, oddly remaining as calm as ever. "Come now, Mr. Harroworth, ready for round two?" Violetta dashed forward, sending multiple blasts of condensed air toward my direction. "Earth Series: Ground Lift." The path ahead of me rose and created a barrier against her attack. The blasts destroyed the shields but also faded away into the atmosphere.

"I've figured it out, while your air attacks are incredibly strong and problematic, they're still just that, air attacks. They have no proper protection against objects and can't pierce through an object unless properly condensed into a bullet and you seem to lack the ability to do that, being the fact you'd have done it already otherwise." I smiled, "So all I have to do is find a thing to block it."

"Brilliant deduction Mr. Harroworth, I'm almost impressed." She replied sarcastically, "But you forget that's not my only ability. I am the master of magic! I am a-" During her monologue I ran forward with insane speed and punched her hard across the cheek, shutting her up immediately and also possibly throwing her backward like a speeding bullet.

"Jesus Christ, obey the advice you preach." I groaned, "Shut up and fight."
Violetta slowly got up from the ground and felt her cheek. She frowned and spat blood onto the floor. "As you wish..." Her voice was colder, a more malevolent tone became noticeable. It seemed I had pissed her off.

She sighed and stomped on the ground, it began to distort and the ground rippled and contorted. A giant hand shot out from the ground and was headed straight in my direction. I prepared myself, muttered the words "Tectonic Fist." I threw my fist forward in a punch as the rock formed around it and I collided with the giant fist dashing toward me, stopping it in it's tracks. It practically exploded because of the attack, fragments of earth shot out and the attack crumpled.

"Come on now, you've got to try a little harder than th-" An incredibly tight feeling spread throughout my stomach, I felt a cold, inhumane, rocky exterior pressing against my shirt and when I looked own, I realised I had been grabbed by yet another arm. I had been caught.

The giant arm stretched backward and then flinged forward, I couldn't see a thing, air whipped and scraped at my clothes and body. Before I had time to gain my senses, my back screamed in utter agony and the air slashed against my face. The taste of blood was stuck in my mouth. I was constantly being flung about in the air, assaulted by a barrage of giant hands. I could barely do anything to stop the never ending flurry of attacks. I was being thrown about like a tennis ball. I felt myself slowly slip from consciousness, I couldn't win, her magical prowess was just so much, her attacks were so fast.

It was almost as if time had slowed down, as I opened my eyes for what felt like it would be the last time, my final moments, the chapter felt as if it was coming to a close.

For a few moments, I saw darkness, despite my eyes being wide open. There was something trying to fight back, I could feel it, but it was just overwhelmed by nothingness. I had given up. I was slowly moving away from reality.

I thought of shutting my eyes and just allowing it all to end. I had nothing else to particularly live for, I was just a bored creature wandering throughout a town he had wandered through so, so many times, an organism that had already ran its course, its expiration date overdue. The only thing really keeping me together was an obsessive tendency for alcohol and anger. The constant feeling of pure and utter anger, the vile feeling that I hadn't lived for anything, that I hadn't served my purpose in life. There was something more, I always knew there had to be. I had to have been created for a reason and it was right in front of my eyes and I knew it.

Maybe, if it weren't for that anger. I wouldn't be here talking to you now.

That anger, that rage, is what forced me to retaliate.

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