Part 31

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I sighed, and decided to inspect the house. The living room was rather large, with a table, four chairs, a large, red sofa and a TV in front of it. The room was pretty average, and it didn't stand out much, yet I was certain I could feel the presence of magic somewhere. There were two stairways which led into their own separate areas, and two doors set beside them. One was open and I decided to head into that room. Nothing too interesting, just a kitchen with white tiled floors and a relatively clean cooking area. There was a small oven, a stove next to it, kettle on one side and multiple spices stacked on a shelf. Seemed Violetta liked cooking.

I left the room, and walked up one of the stairways and looked about, at the top there was a single corridor leading to two separate rooms, one on the left and the other on the right. I looked at the two doors, they were both locked, a silver door lock on both of them. I remembered the key in my hand and tried to unlock one, it wouldn't budge. 'Must be either Violetta's or Hojo's room.' I thought. Turning to the other door, I walked forward and attempted to unlock that one. Hearing a click, the door opened and I saw my room. It was, rather bland, and in all honesty, I preferred that, it meant I could arrange the room however I wished.

I walked into the centre, and looked at my surroundings, to the top left, there was a small bed, and a cabinet beside it. There was a wardrobe and when I opened it, I found a small selection of clothes, ranging from casual wear to my preferred type, a classic suit. I shut the wardrobe door. There was nothing else of particular interest in the room, so I chucked off my blazer and flopped onto the bed.

My mind wandered yet again and I found myself reflecting upon my journey so far. I had encountered some supernatural people, and now they wanted me to fight for them against some kind of psychopath or something, I suspected Maxwell for the murder of my friend Richard. Then I thought about Hojo and his reaction to my questions, what on Earth had happened to the kid? I made a mental note to ask Violetta about it when I got the chance.

I slowly allowed myself to slip away from reality, and for the first time in a few days, I finally managed to rest. I shut my eyes, and let emptiness consume, as I fell into the blissful oblivion of sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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