Part 30

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"But- Fine." I didn't bother to try and argue, I was part of their operation and if I wanted to continue being a part of it, I just had to sit down and obey. I just hoped that her statement on the place I was going to being better than where I was currently. "Give me about five minutes."
I went around and grabbed few things, a toothbrush, some clothes and a few bottles of alcohol. I didn't really have many possessions that I wanted to take with me, frankly, all I cared much about is that I had clothes, hygiene existed and I was allowed to drink.

I then returned to Violetta and Hojo, holding my few possessions, "Alright, I'm ready to go." Violetta gave me a strange look, but made no remark, Hojo giggled quietly and I rolled my eyes, "How far away is the area?"
"Oh, not too long, I mean, there's not much else we can go but around town."
"Fair point," I sighed. "Alright, lead the way."

We walked for about fifteen minutes, taking twists and turns, walking through alleys until eventually reaching an unnamed block of housing, well, to call it housing would be a lie. In all honesty it looked much more like a factory, square, each area just a blank wall made of brick, it was so dull, which was what made the area so great.

Violetta unlocked a door around the back of the building with a bronze key, turned the handle and walked in. We would have looked like some stupid family, a mother, father and child just walking into a house. But once we walked in I could see the immediate difference between the outside and the inside.

To begin with, no light could be seen from the outside, as if it was all trapped within the house, not allowed to escape. The next thing I noticed was how well kept the building was on the inside, everything was painted to almost a point of perfection, and I immediately noticed the victorian tone of the house. While the area was somewhat bland when it came to things like paintings and such, it had the only essential I required, which was a nice, comfortable sofa.

"We had another house which I used to stay in... But that mysteriously burnt down." Violetta growled. "Good thing we had Hojo save the lucky piece of crap inside." She shot me a glare, and I shrugged, "You left me alone, disabled and unattended, you can't blame me for that."

She sighed, "Fine, whatever. Your room is upstairs." She chucked me a silver key, "I'll be down here, you can do whatever until I inform you otherwise." Violetta walked off, and I decided that it was time for some answers. I immediately approached Hojo, and crouched down, his back .
"Hey Hojo." I initiated conversation,
"Hiya!" There was a certain joyous tone in his voice, one that seemed so out of place when we first met, but I guess, in the end, Hojo was just a child.
"Can I ask you a few questions?"
"Okay!" His voice chimed with innocence, this voice was so odd, someone with so much destructive power didn't fit a voice like that, it was so chilling when I first heard it. But now, there wasn't anything hidden behind it, it was so strange.
"Why are you here, Hojo?"
"As in, why are you with Violetta? Is she your mother?"
"Nuh-uh! Miss Violetta is letting me stay with her as long as I help!"
"And you know what that help is?"
"Yeah! I get to fight a big monster!"
"And you're okay with this?"
"Yeah! I love to fight!" He punched his fist in an aggressive like motion, "It's really, really fun!"
"Okay... Can I continue?"
He nodded. "Yes!"
"Where is your mother or father?"
He grew silent. "..."
"N- Next question..."
"Where did you get your abilities from?"
The silence continued for a good more seconds, before tears formed in his eyes, "I- I..." He cut off, beginning to cry.
"Woah, woah! Hojo, it's okay!" Anxiety kicked in and I looked about frantically for Violetta, I had absolutely no social ability when it came to taking care of kids.
Hojo continued to cry as I constantly tried to shush him, "Hojo, come on, calm down, breath!"
Violetta stormed into the room and gave me a glare that made my hair stand on end, she picked up Hojo and shushed him. She mouthed, 'The hell did you do?!' and I shrugged, a slight blush appearing on my face. I looked down and sighed, I muttered "Sorry." and with a hiss, Violetta walked off with Hojo in her hands.

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