Part 18

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I think I blacked out about thirty seconds later, the smoke practically suffocating me at that point. However when I came to, I was no longer in the burning house, but back in the town that I called my own, the deserted landscape where only people with a quest for knowledge, monsters or both roamed.

I guess I should tell you a few things about the town that to this day I still remember very clearly in my mind. First of all don't bother trying to find the town, as it's the town that finds you. If you were to find your way into the town, you can ask anyone and they will say that they stumbled upon the town after finding themselves stuck or lost in a woods or a forest or generally any deserted place you can find yourself lost in.

The most confusing thing is that if you ask these people where they came from, nine times out of ten, they will tell you that they honestly don't know. Then when they do tell you, the person will always describe something different to someone else.

It was as if the town had no actual location and was just a constant for individual people, something that was there but could not be defined.

If you can't tell already, the town is far from normal. But it's not just the town that has its strange tendencies. I don't think you can find a single person that would be considered normal by social, physical or mental standards.

You've already met Hojo, who certainly is not a normal person by any means necessary. I have shown multiple times I possess the ability to control and use Magus. Everyone in the town had some ability or another that differentiates themselves from a normal human being,

And if a normal human were to enter the town? Well, soon they'll encounter something that will no longer make them, 'normal'. Whether it be an item, a person, or an incident.

Anyway, enough exposition, let us continue.

I slowly began to wake yet again, the ironically numb realisation I was alive overcame me and I groaned. My eyes slowly opened once again and I inspected my new surroundings and a sense of familiarity struck me. I was back in the area which I called my home. I smiled, someone must have put me back here, but who? Noticing a twitching feeling, I looked down at my arm, or should I say, arms, then my legs, someone had healed me while I was out cold, probably the same person who carried me back to town.

There was something odd about my regrown limbs, however, they were blue and pale, as if they'd been asphyxiated, choked and had the life sucked out of them, they felt unnatural to use, unwanted, like they weren't my own to command.

I tried to ignore it for now, this wasn't the place for dwelling about these kinds of things, right now I just wanted to go home and drink something strong. I lifted myself up from the road and walked home.

Standing outside my humble abode, I noticed something felt odd about the house, as if an eerie essence seemed to ooze from it, something felt unwelcoming about it. I decided to ignore it and I walked up to the door and froze.

Someone was inside; the door was open.

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