Part 27

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My eyes flung open and colour returned, the only directive in my brain was to continue fighting and win, no matter what I had to give up for it. The most animalistic instinct took over and I allowed rage to fuel my actions. I pushed away any pain in my body and continued fighting. I was not going to lose this.

I let out a roar of vexation and, using my Tectonic Fist, I punched the giant hand rushing towards me, the thing eager to create a final blow. I took in the Magus Potential around me and I felt myself come back to reality. I stopped slipping away.

The Tectonic Fist shattered Violetta's attack. I could feel her next attacks, her continuous attempt to win. Now it was a matter of willpower, Violetta against mine. I turned and saw another hand trying to get in my way, I punched it to pieces and fell down to the ground.

I landed and looked up at Violetta, she wasn't as far away as she was and she had overexerted herself with her constant barrage of attacks. She looked worn out and I could tell she was sweating. Looks like even Eupherbians have their limits when it came to using magic.

I ran forward, the fire in my eyes ignited with fury. Violetta looked at me and she frowned. She knew that she was at a disadvantage this time. "Violetta!" I shouted, reaching within fighting distance and I threw my fist forward in punches, never giving her time to rest or think, she continously dodged, but she was slower than usual. She couldn't keep up for long.

With my other hand, I cast magic to throw her off, "Fire Series: Blitz!" I sent small bursts of flame in her direction and soon, she began to slip up. She dodged one of my blasts, but fell right into my other attack, my fist came into contact with her stomach, I then brought my other hand up to her face and smiled, "Fire Series: Inferno." I began to cast a small, explosive piece of fire at her head.

I felt my arm move against its will again, it brought itself up to my casting hand and brought it away from Violetta, shooting the attack off into the void. She began to charge another attack. A blue aura surrounded her palm and I quickly decided to throw her off, by aiming another punch at her head. My hand was brought to the floor, but I saw whatever she was casting had fizzled in her hand, the blue aura had disappeared.

That's when I realised something.
Violetta was a terrible multitasker.
She couldn't control my limbs and cast magic at the same time.
That meant I just needed to keep on the offence and she won't be able to retaliate.

I grinned at my moment of realisation and continued with my assault, throwing a punch with one hand, then casting a spell with another. She continuously tried to block my attacks with magic, or throw aside my punch, I made sure not to follow a pattern and began to randomise my attacks, led by nothing but my instinct. She couldn't keep up and I managed to catch her out again. Violetta tried to cast a shield, but as my fist came closing in on her, she flung it aside, only for the shield to disappear and to be caught head on with another Blitz spell.

She was knocked back slightly and dazed from the attack. She didn't even have enough time to react when my fist came crashing down on her. I pulled it back and started attacking her rapidly with punches, before casting a ring of fire around her neck. I jumped back and smiled, it was over.

"Fire Series: Hell's Portal!" The portal would appear behind the two of us and I raised my hand in the air, counting down the seconds.

Three, Violetta would struggle, but inevitably couldn't do anything. I had her trapped in a ring of fire, if she moved it would incinerate her.

Two, I grinned and walked up to her, looking into her defeated eyes.
One, I casted a spell right as the portal would let loose a searing hot inferno. A shield surrounded the two of us and after the portal finished. The shield disappeared and we were back in the street of the town I call home. The battle was over. I had defeated Violetta.

She glared at me, but then smiled. "I'm not going to lie, Mr. Harroworth, I didn't expect much from you, but I must say, you certainly have impressed. You have shown you are very capable when it comes to a magical fight and even managed to come out on top despite my control of your limbs. I would be thankful if you were to work with Hojo and I."

"Oh, so you want me now?" I retorted, a slight frown positioned on my forehead. "Whatever, I'll help you. Thanks for the fight, Violetta."

"As to you, Mr. Harroworth."
"Call me Jordan."
She chuckled, "Very well. Thank you, Jordan."
Violetta walked away, waving behind her. "You are dismissed, soldier."
I looked at her confused, then realised what she meant. Violetta was making me salute, like a soldier to a general.

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