Part 13

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I put my hand on his arm, to feel any sort of movement, but immediately pulled it back. He was searingly hot, which, I don't know much about thermal physics, but, was not a normal temperature to be at, especially for a kid.

I didn't even have enough time to finish my thoughts before he exploded.

He just... Blew up, without any sort of warning whatsoever. Of course, that didn't mean good for anyone in the close vicinity. And I was lucky enough to be in the mentioned vicinity. Yay me!

He had completely destroyed my shirt, most of one of my arms and blew off my entire leg. This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been using my Void Ability, in fact, I may have been able to sustain most of the damage, and the maximum that would have happened would have been a scar, at best.

I guess it's time I do some more explaining.

My Void Ability allows me to create a much closer link to my soul and the Voidal Plane with my physical manifestation, causing exponential growth in physical, mental and magical ability. Bringing my body to it's absolute limit. Depending on the spell, it also allows me to screw around with time and space, letting me go even faster, or telekinetically control the area around me, bend it to my whim, so to speak.

This would be utterly overpowered, and would likely make me invincible, if it weren't for the fact that if I take any damage, it has the potential to completely destroy me, whereas if I were not in my Void state, the damage would be minimised. This is due to multiple reasons, my body is being pushed to it's absolute limit, and using temporal manipulation over time to increase my speed, so the speed applied combined with whatever force that is used against me equals a ticket to "Pain Town". Basically, acting force divided by force applied multiplied by speed applied.
There's an equation for all you math addicts.
(ACTUAL Authors note: Equation shown may or may not be false, just go with it.)

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