Part 28

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A few days had passed since my duel with Violetta. She had healed whatever wounds I had taken throughout the fight, which, might I remind, was quite a few and she gave me the order to wait until further notice, which meant I had time to finally sit back and relax.

Well, that was my thought, until of course I realised that my every day was practically relaxing. I didn't work a job and whatever money I made was from the fake government made up by the town to keep us all in check or fed. It was like communism, except no one was starving, none of us really had to work unless it kept us sane and we weren't ruled over by a dictator.

I flipped open my Necronomicon and looked at the few pages that were actually full. It contained all my magical knowledge, which, unfortunately was rather limited. All I knew was that nothing was impossible and if there is a God, it's twisted in the ways it operated. I had no clue if it was science or something else, frankly I didn't care, it was for me to use, not to decipher. The book definitely seemed in better shape, whether from the often burst of Magus Potential when visiting the void or the fact I had something to entertain me, I had no clue.

I sometimes enjoyed the thought of escaping this town, this unnamed area, hidden from the regular human eye. That thought then often lead me to question, who the hell built this town? Where did it come from? Why does it exist? These thoughts would then quickly be cut down, as I realised there was absolutely no way for me to find out, as far as I knew, that is.

The town itself was relatively empty, only a few residents actually lived there and they all seemed so secluded, how ironic that in a town where we are all connected in some way or another, all of us turned out to be hermits. Either people shut down, or commit suicide, if I were to guess, I say it came down to the fact that they could no longer see whatever family or friends they had, or maybe the thought of being trapped in a town full of strangers was too much. God knows I didn't enjoy it.

I had been living in the town my entire life. In all honesty, I don't know where I came from, I wasn't aware if I had a mother or a father, all I can remember is that I woke up one day and from there I just started living, I became a member of this society, or, to be more truthful, I became a member of a society that lacked exactly that. It doesn't much interest me where I came from, if I never met my mother or father, then why should I? All I knew is that I was here for a reason, that I played into something. I had to, there was no other way to explain why I just woke up there.

I spent most of my time just reading books, learning, adapting and becoming more and more aware of the things around me. Eventually, I had read everything the town had to offer and now, 150 years later after I woke up. I'm still just as bored and just as confused as I was when I came into reality. One thing that perplexed me the most was my extended lifespan, I was fully aware that humans live up to one hundred if they're lucky, but I looked like I was in my late twenties or early thirties. I'm not too sure if it was because of the necronomicon, or I wasn't as human as I had once thought.

One thought lead to another and eventually Hojo was on my mind. Was he human? How was he so strong? Is it magic? Did he come into contact with an enchanted object? Questions flooded my mind, questions that I wanted answered. Assumptions or guesswork weren't nearly as satisfying as the truth, I made a mental note to question Hojo when I could.

And, speak of the devil, there was a knock at my door. It couldn't be anybody else.
"Come in, it's unlocked." Like clockwork, once the words left my mouth the door opened and in walked Violetta and Hojo. In all honesty, I couldn't see a single similarity between the two of them, they were both so different in every way possible it seemed impossible to get them to work together.

Hojo was young and innocent, he seemed to be able to amuse himself with almost anything. Everything looked like a wonder and he was all over the place, barely able to contain excitement, whereas Violetta was serious and composed, her face was hardened through whatever experiences she must have gone through. Hojo was emotional. Violetta was intelligent.

Hojo waved, "Hello again!" He chimed, a stupid grin plastered onto his face. "I'm so happy you're working with us! Maybe we can fight again!" He punched his fist, "You're so fun to fight against!" Violetta would shush him and look at me, "We've decided that we're going to need you to be with us at practically all times. We have no clue when Maxwell will decide to make an appearance. Besides, I'm pretty sure the place you'll be staying in will be much better than..." She looked about, "This dump. Pack your things, Jordan."

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