Part 11

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The kid was right, it was time for the real battle.
And I was certain it wasn't going to be one I'd lose.

I halted and felt a surge of energy rush through my body: we were situated in the Voidal Plane, the area in which Magus Potential exists, meaning that all magical abilities were increased in power exponentially. I was faster then ever before, stronger than I could possibly fathom and filled with the scorching fury of a thousand suns. This "child" had mocked me, beaten me to a pulp and left me an anxious wreck, it was time for the sweet taste of revenge.

"Ground Series: Tectonic Shift!" Bits of rock and gravel from the road behind me began to levitate from the ground, honed and sharpened to a needlepoint, almost replicating bits of shrapnel. I raised my hand in the air, as if commanding a squadron of archers to rain hell fire upon the enemy.

Practically every part of my body was screaming at me to release my ammunition of arrows and bullets and tear the child to utter shreds, end the battle in one almighty attack. But I'm the back of my mind, I knew not to fire, I had to make sure I wasn't going to repeat the same mistake I'd made just a few minutes ago.

"Wind Series: Hurricane Barrage" A gust of incredibly strong winds formed around me, before forming three small hurricanes. If I made sure that my attacks spread across the entirety of the battlefield, then I could be certain of the kid's position. That way I could be sure I was attacking him and not his bloody afterimage. The hurricane would either send him flying, or he'd obliterate them with that insane power of his, either way, he'd have to give away his location.

As I had guessed, he'd completely destroyed the hurricanes, and now it was obvious where he was. I smiled, he was fast, but predictable.
"Earth Series: Tectonic Fist!" My hands were then surrounded in hardened gravel and dirt, to give me just the right amount of power in my punches so that I could just face him in a head-on melee battle.

I punched forward, seemingly aiming at nothing in particular, but I felt my fist connect with his. I had him. I stared directly into his eyes, he was shocked, but I could see the raw excitement in his eyes, finally, he'd found someone who wasn't just some feeble toy. I was no longer his puppet.
I was his rival.

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