Part 16

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My muscles jumped to life, each groaning and aching in an unwanted choir, the slow grinding of cogs that summed up the machination of my mind began to stir yet again. Movement and rational thought returned, well, as rational as my thoughts normally were, which, to be perfectly honest, meant not much had really changed.

I groaned and attempted to speak, in other words, I groaned twice. The ability of speech apparently hadn't been brought back to my body yet. My eyes swiveled open and I studied the surrounding area. It seemed I was stuck in some sort of infirmary, except, it was much smaller than an actual hospital, it was just one room that was neatly decorated with fake flora, an empty bookshelf and various medical equipment. The tiles were a blank and boring grey and white, patterned as if someone had decided to throw darts at the wall to colour them. Not the best decorative choice, in my own opinion, as, subsequently the room looked ugly and incoherent, uncoordinated.

There was a door in front of my bed, where it leads I had no clue and I was in no condition to move without crutches at the moment. But I was bored, incredibly so. So I called out for help.
"Hello? Anyone home?~" My voice was sugar coated and incredibly sweet, suffocatingly so.

. . .

No reply, I tried again.
"Please, I need help!" My voice echoed throughout the house, ringing out in every hallway, spreading through every room trying to reach a person willing to hear my call.

. . .

Still no reply. This was getting annoying.
"Damn it, I lost my goddamned leg! I'd prefer it if someone came to help me!" The sweetness in my voice had corrupted to my insufferable anger, now poisonous and toxic, infecting every room in the final attempt to reach a host. But of course, no one came. The house had been abandoned, with my being stuck inside of it.

Let me tell you, it is not a good idea to leave a disabled, angry being with Magus ability trapped inside a house with no form of amusement, because then they end up setting something on fire.

And that's what I did.

I set something on fire.

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