thirteen - tension

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Seehye's POV

It was currently lunch time and I was waiting for Chanyeol to come in the cafeteria so I could have a small chat with him. He soon walked in and sat at my table. Soon Seulgi left to give me and Chanyeol some sort of alone time. He looked at me in pity and apologised over and over again. I felt bad of course, but I needed to have a break and now was the right time.

"Chanyeol, let's go outside, it will be more quieter." I stood up and grabbed his hand as I took him behind the school.

We soon sat down on a tree log and I tried my best not to get emotional. Chanyeol was my first ever boyfriend and I honestly did love him a lot.

"Chanyeol." I said and smiled sadly.

"I think we should take a break." I said while looked down trying to hide the fact that tears were threatening to spill.

"What? What do you mean?" He got up while looking sad and mad at the same time.

"We are over Chanyeol."

"It was fun while it lasted, but you could do so much better than me, there are many girls out there for you but at the moment I don't think I'm the right one, I'm sorry." 

I began to walk off but I knew he was following me from behind.

I went back into the cafeteria to try to look for Seulgi, but before I could Chanyeol grabbed my hand causing me to stop in place.

I tured around.

"Chanyeol please stop." I said and pulled my hand away trying not to make a scene since there were a lot of people in the cafeteria.

I tried to walk forward again but he instead, grabbed my wrist and held it tight.

"Chanyeol, stop it, you're hurting me." I  whimpered trying to get my wrist out of his grip.

"Please Seehy-" He was cut off.

"That's enough, you can leave her alone now."

I looked up to see Taehyung.

"Oh look who it is." Chanyeol scoffed.

"What are you gonna do?" Chanyeol said while he pushed Taehyung on the shoulder with his index finger.

Taehyung stepped even closer.

"I suggest you keep your distance, punk." Taehyung said as a smirk formed on his lips.

Suddenly Jimin came in infront of Taehyung and pushed Chanyeol back hard.

"Watch yourself buddy." Jimin smirked as he cocked his head to the side. 

Chanyeol just scoffed while the three of them just kept glaring back and fourth at eachother.

I decided to walk away since I didn't want to be in this situation anymore. I walked behind the school and sat next to the rose bush, admiring the nature surrounding me. I suddenly felt a presence next to me so I looked up and saw Seulgi with Jimin.

"Hey girly." She said as she sat down on my left side while Jimin sat on my right.

"Are you okay? I saw what happened back there." She said in a concerned tone.

"Yeah, I'm okay I guess." I said as I sighed.

"Alright, well I'm gonna get my assignment ready for next class so see you later." She said as she hugged me and left.

I turned to my right side and looked at Jimin.

"Thank you Jimin. For stepping in I guess." I said which caught him off guard.

"What? Oh! Yeah, that was nothing! Haha, don't mention it." He said which made me laugh for a second.

"Oh hey, it looks like Taehyung's coming so I'll get going. Goodbye miss." He waved before walking off.

Taehyung eventually arrived and sat down next to me.

It was awkward silence so I decided to speak up.

"Thank you Taehyung. For everything." I said while smiling at him which made him look the opposite direction.

It was silent for a few more seconds until he spoke.

"Do you, uh, do you want to, uh, perhaps, go to the uh, m-movies with me?" He whispered the last part which caused me laugh at his shyness.

"Yes, of course I would like to." I said and smiled.

"Okay, thanks." Taehyung said coldy and walked off.

"Wait Taehyung!" I yelled which made him turn around.

"Is your wound healing okay?" I asked concerned.

"Yes. You did great a great job." He said and smiled while looking down.

Wait a second. Taehyung can actually smile? I laughed at my own thoughts and watched Taehyung walk away from a distance.

Suddenly as I was watching Taehyung a red haired figure jumped on his back and then soon  started jumping around in excitement. Taehyung pushed him gently  and started laughing which made me smile.

He actually seemed happy for once.


thank u 4 300+ reads


this gif is so funny i actually started crying

this gif is so funny i actually started crying

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