thirty nine - surprise

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Seehye's POV

A couple weeks later.

I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright light coming in from the window. I yawned and rolled over to see my lover, already awake and staring at me.

"Hey there," Taehyung said as he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"He-" I was suddenly cut off by my stomach rumbling. I look at Taehyung with a confused look before feeling nauseous. I pushed the blankets off myself and bolted towards the toilet.

I fell onto my knees and released everything I ate the previous day. Taehyung quickly came in and rushed to me. He held my hair back and patted my back, making sure I was okay.

I kept coughing and coughing until everything was released.

"Are you okay Seehye? W-what happened?" Taehyung asked concerned.

"I'm fine, I must of ate something I shouldn't have." I smiled and walked out of the room, thanking Taehyung along the way.

I walked into the bedroom and looked at myself in the mirror, and then I noticed something off, I seemed to be getting... fatter?

It took me a minute to realize what was going on.

Oh no.

I put my hand over my mouth in shock and looked down at my stomach,

No no no no.

I started tearing up at the thought of being pregnant, what would Taehyung think? What if he doesn't want it?

Before jumping to conclusions, I decided to go out and buy a test.

"T-Taehyung, I'm going out to buy some stuff alright? I'll be back soon." I said room the other room.

"Well can I co-" I cut him off,

"No! I mean there's no need to, I'll be super quick."

He came out of the room and looked at me,

"Okay, but be safe," Taehyung said with a sad smile.

"I will." I said before leaving and closing the door.

I rushed out and began speed walking to the closest drug store. I walked in and went to the woman section.

Pregnancy tests, pregnancy tests, there they are!

I grabbed a box and went to pay, the cashier lady looked at me weirdy before scanning the item. She probably thought I was super young to be buying a 'pregnancy' test but I could have cared less with all the crap I've been through.

I gave her the cash and walked home, making sure to drink water along the way.

I eventually arrived home and went to the toilet and read the instructions,

One line = Not pregnant.

Two lines = Pregnant.

I prayed to god it would be one line, of course I've always wanted to have kids, but just the thought of Taehyung not wanting it would break my heart, I wouldn't want to do that to me and my child.

I took a deep breath and held the test in front of me, observing it closely.

Suddenly one red line popped up, I was waiting for the other line but it never came. I sighed in relief until suddenly the second red line flickered and then popped up.

I froze and dropped the test onto the floor. I held my belly and smiled, I had a human inside of me.

I smiled sadly, deciding I should tell Taehyung because I hate people in movies who keep it a secret, the father deserves to know.

I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom, picking up the test a long the way.

I slowly walked to the living room to see Taehyung playing overwatch on the couch.

I walked over and sat down next to him.

"Taehyung, I need to talk to you.." I said, looking at the floor.

He immediately looked at me with concern and shut off the game immediately.

"Yes?" He said looking at me in my eyes.

"Promise you wont get m-mad?" I said, fiddling with my fingers.

He took his hands and put them over mine, holding them tightly.

"I would never get mad at you, you can tell me." He said.

I took a deep breath,

"I'm pregnant."

And then, the room fell silent.

Taehyung's face was blank and the only think that could be heard was my uneven breathing.

"Wheres the proof?" He said.

I quickly grabbed the test and held it infront of him,

"See? The two lines confirmed it." I said, my stomach filled with butterflys.

He didn't say anything and just put his hands over his face.

My heart sank, doesn't he want the baby?

"T-Taehyung?" I said sadly,

Still silent,

Suddenly, he rushed forward and hugged me so tightly, he pulled away and held my face in his hands.

"W-were are having a baby!" He said smiling and hugging me again.

I breathed out in relief and hugged him back, crying out of happiness.

"S-so you want to keep it?" I said happily,

"Of course! I love kids and I've always wanted my own!" Taehyung suddenly moved his hand onto my belly and smiled.

"I would love a mini Seehye," He said.

"And I would love a mini Taehyung."

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