twenty seven - paintball

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Sorry if I'm dragging the story, it's going to get good very soon ;')


Seehye's POV

Me and my group were currently waiting to receive our next activity. Today was our last day at this camp and I'm kind of sad. I had a lot of fun here. I will miss everything, especially the food.

"Alright, so for this last activity, everyone is going to be doing the same thing. We will all be doing paintballing!" Wendy yelled in excitement.

Everyone cheered while I just sighed. I suck at paintball, I mean, I suck at everything but especially paint balling.

Everyone got up and followed Wendy into the forest area. We eventually arrived where the paintballing takes place. Everyone took a seat and waited for the next set of instructions.

"Alright, so for today we will be doing a total of two rounds of paintball. There will be two teams, red and white. The last color standing wins. I will now announce your teams since I have my list right in front of me." She smiled and began reading names off her list.

"I hope I'm with you!" Seulgi says as she squeezes my arm.

Eventually, Wendy finished announcing both teams.

Jimin, Jungkook and Seulgi were on the white team while Taehyung and I were on the red team.

Jimin, Jungkook and Seulgi were on the white team while Taehyung and I were on the red team

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Namjoon demonstrated how to shoot the gun and then gave us 5 minutes to find a position and hide

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Namjoon demonstrated how to shoot the gun and then gave us 5 minutes to find a position and hide. 

I ran into the bushes and sat down. I honestly was really scared. Does paintballing hurt? I guess I'll find out.


The gun shot was heard, signaling that hiding time was now over and that we are now allowed to attack. I kept hiding behind the bush. My heart stopped when I heard foot steps all around me. I raised my gun ahead of me. I heard footsteps next to me so I immediately moved my gun into that direction. I gasped in shock when my arm was twisted and I was pushed down onto the floor. 


"What are you doing? Get off me!" I said as I tried to move my arm to get my gun but I couldn't since his foot was on top of my wrist.

"Please get off me, you're foot is hurting me!" I said angrily.

He laughed.

"You're so cute  when you beg." He then removed his foot. 

I ignored his comment and stood up straight away while grabbing the gun. I turned around and faced it at his chest.

"Oh Seehye, you wouldn't shoot me would you?" He said as a smirk formed on his face.

I stayed silent since I was still mad at him for pushing me onto the floor.

"That's what I thou-" I cut him off when I positioned the gun and shot him right on the chest. 

He now had a big patch of green on his vest.

I started laughing at his expression.

"Sorry!" I said before waving and running off and finding a new place to hide.

This time, I was hiding behind a tree. I heard foot steps next to me so I turned around to see Seulgi. I aimed my gun but it was too late. I felt a light pressure hit my arm. I looked down and saw a pink patch of paint splattered on me.

"Wow, that wasn't fair Seulgi-ah!" I said.

"Saranghae." Seulgi smiled before walking off casually.

I sighed and made my way back to the meeting point.

I was sitting down with all the other people who had been shot. 

I looked around.

"How many people are left Namjoon?" I asked as he looked down at me.

"Two." He replied coldly before continuing to look into the forest.

Suddenly I saw two people in my vision. I realized who it was. It was Taehyung and Jimin! I smiled in excitement. Even though this fight was exciting, it was really intense. Taehyung would aim his gun and shoot before ducking. 

"Jeez, they're even good at this too!" I said as I heard Jungkook scoff behind me.

Sadly, Taehyung ducked a bit too late and was shot in the neck. I was still very happy that Jimin won and honestly Taehyung was happy too.

Namjoon eventually let us all hide again and began round two. I was currently hiding behind an abandoned cabin this time. It reminded me of my uncles house. The thoughts made me tear up. I quickly wiped my eyes and slapped myself back into reality.

It seemed like I was hiding  behind the cabin for hours. No one came near me and I was honestly glad. Suddenly I heard a loud voice.

"Will the six remaining participants, please make your way closer and closer to the middle of the battleground, thank you." Wendy announced on what I'm assuming, speakers. But how would they even have speakers in the middle of a forest? Whatever.

I sighed and began walking towards the middle slowly. I was walking until I heard foot steps. I turned around and looked. Suddenly a ball of paint flew past me. I froze. I heard the person shoot again. I was waiting for the impact of the ball but never felt it. I looked up to see a figure in front of me.

I blinked a couple of times and realized that Taehyung was in front of me. I gasped and looked at his back. There was a blue splash of paint. 

"W-why did you do that?" I asked confused.

"I told you Seehye, I would always protect you, even from balls that are filled with paint." He said as he looked at me with a serious expression.

"Okay then," I said awkwardly since he didn't even crack a slight smile during that sentence.

I looked at him and smiled. He stared at me with a blank face for about thirty seconds. I just stood there awkwardly before he finally removed his gaze and coughed.

"You're welcome." He said before walking off.

Wow, what just happened?

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