XXIX .Regrets. XXIX

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I was trying to leave without being noticed, but it seems even that was impossible.

"Heeeeey son, what you doin up so early?"

"Just came down to get something to drink. What you doing with that bag?"

"Son... some stuff came up, and I have to leave for a while again."

"Again ? Come on dad you just saw my first match, now you leaving....AGAIN ?"

"So what is it huh?", he asked

"It's complicated Jr."

"It's the drugs again ? You don't have to lie dad."

I decided to go along with just that.

"Yea son. Falling back into old habits. I don't wanna do that around you boys."

"Oh come on man!", he said standing up and slightly raising his voice.

"You always do this pops. Come back for a while, leave for longer. You letting these drugs mess you up, don't even know why I look up to you anymore."

"And whats that supposed to mean ?", I asked standing up as well

"Listen dad. Last night...while I was getting the shit...", he said before I interrupted.

"Watch ya mouth now boy."

"...while I was getting everything...beat outta me I wasn't looking for nobody but you. You was my savior at that moment. Not nobody else."

"Son look.."

"NO. You look dad. Instead of trying to protect me like I thought you'd always try to do, you abandoned me. But it's not like you haven't before."

"Cassius... this is the best choice right now. I'll come to all your matches. I just can't have you and Rahman around me like this. I need some stability. I'm trying to keep this family together. Staying here I'm toxic.... I'll make it fall apart. Now I love you and your brother with every part of my being. That's why I want to do better. Please accept that."

He looked down to put his face into his hands.

"I'm sorry dad. I was being selfish. I didn't think about any of that."

"Exactly, now stand up and give ya old man a hug."

As we hugged I told him, "I won't be gone long. Protect the family for me, you're the man of the house until I'm back. Tell ya mother we already talked about this issue, alright ?"

"Yes sir"

I grabbed my bag and opened the door.

"I love you Jr."

"I love you too pops."

I closed the door and waited outside for a bus to take me to the airline.

NJs plane stayed there all night waiting on my arrival. I just know this baby better be mine after all of this trouble.

A couple hours of past then I saw the great buildings of New York once again. It felt bittersweet to be back.

When we landed there was a black limousine waiting outside. Could only imagine who that could be right. Of course it could be no one but NJ.

As I stepped off the steps of the plane, the shofar opened Nj's door to let her out. It looked as if she was wearing a moderate dress, she was stunning.

I walked closer to her but still stood far.

"Cassius", she said low as tears started to go down her eyes.

She ran full force in my direction and jumped grabbing a hold to me while hugging me tightly. I couldn't help it, she was my weakness and I felt captive but in a good way. I fell into her love spell, elevating her higher off the ground.

"I'm so sorry Cassius."

I put her down to look at her. Her skin was glowing and her face was beginning to get full. Her stomach had a little lump but nothing to noticeable.

I tried to keep a stern face.

"Yea well.... lets not forget what I came here for.", I stated as I got into her limo.

She got in directly after me.

It was dead silence.

"Well...", I said

"Is the baby mine?", I asked

"How could you even ask me that Cassius ? Of course it's yours."

"I didn't know since you were sleeping with me and Joe both."

"Cassius I did not have sex with that man."

"Oh yea you didn't right, you made love. Sorry for forgetting that."

"Enough of this Cassius. You want to know what really happened that night ? Do you want me to really go into detail ?"

"Sure let's hear all about the fun you two were having. Where'd you do it at ? On the floor ? On the couch ? Or in his room ? Riddle me that shit why don't you."

"It was in the kitchen."

"Kitchen, oh fancy, continue "

"Well when I got there he beat me."

I was disgusted that she was even entertaining this. She must got a joy from it.

"What he do NJ, spank you ?", I said looking at her.

"No Cassius. He beat me. Then he pulled out a gun and made me take my clothes off."

I looked at her.

"What ?", I said in a low tone as I began to choke up.

"That's not even the best part Cassius. He made me get on my knees. I guess, you can only imagine what he made me do while I was down that low, right ? Then his son came in but, he made him go back in the room. He saw the gun pointed towards me by the way. Then he held me down. Of course I was crying but, he didn't care, he still put his cock inside me. If all of that wasn't bad enough, he made me say I love him. Which of course I didn't want to say but it was kind of hard with a gun pointed towards me. So I guess you can say we had a very romantic night. I wouldn't consider it making love... but if even you still look at it like that after me telling you, then I'm just out of words....maybe I was wrong about you the whole time."


"No, no Cassius you don't have to say anything"

"Well how was I supposed to know about this ? You didn't tell me anything!"

"It's not like you ever gave me the chance to ! You just jumped right into conclusions "

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for accusing you, I should've listened.", I stated

"It's fine Cassius, it's over "

I put my face into my hands and began to cry.

"Cassius please don't cry.", she said holding me.

But how could I stop ? He hurt the one I'm in love with.

"I regret it. I regret leaving. I regret letting you leave to get married. We could've done this. We wouldn't have to go through this now."

"Look Cassius, you're here now and that's all that matters. And we're about to bring this baby into the world. I need you to be strong for her."

"Her ? It's a girl ?"

"Well I don't know yet, I'm just hoping. We find out in a couple of hours ."

I looked at her stomach and touched it.

"NJ, I love you. I don't know if when I left you changed your feelings but...."

She pulled me by my shirt to kiss me.

"I never stopped ", she stated with a smile.

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