Chapter 1

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Pete POV

So I finally convinced my mom to let me read a letter that she found when she was a teenager. It was a failed love story she said. She was so moved when she read it that she kept it and would reread it every once in a while. I always asked her to read it but she said I had to wait until I was older. She finally gave me the letter when I became an adult but I never read it...until now. I want to read it with my friend Amara but it is still a little while before she flys in for Katsucon to meet me and my friends. You see, we met through video games and we clicked so well I messaged her privately and we became friends. It's been a few years and we are adults now so she can finally visit, her parents were strict so we were not able to meet earlier. Now that I think about it I have no idea what she looks like because outside of gaming she was always shy. Anywho I can't wait for her to get here and meet all my friends but for now, I am going to read the letter. So I take the letter out of the black envelope trimmed in gold and open it. This person's handwriting is beautiful and I feel this sadness wash over me, are all letters this powerful? No going back now.


I'm November and I am writing this from a hospital bed. I wanted to tell my story before I die just so I can say I finished something for once. Before I really get into the story, I should probably introduce myself properly and tell you some background on my life. I am....old, I will never tell my age because I think it is bad luck. I was a social worker who spent my adult life in South Korea but was born and raised in America. I taught myself Korean with the help of some friends from college and I moved there once I graduated. I'm more of a loner and my life was never that interesting so I just traveled a lot once I finished school. Earth is a little bit different than the Earth you know of, here we all learn of the story of our perfect match and we believe in reincarnation. So if you weren't happy in your previous life you will eventually get a chance as another person once you pass on. The catch is, you won't be able to be reincarnated until someone reads your journey of finding your love as well as the story of your life in general. When you are reincarnated you won't remember your previous life at all, but you can end up with the same love match as before. Everyone is born with a unique birthmark, in which your perfect match has a matching birthmark. Once you meet and end up together, your marks will glow before turning into tattoos. You decide when you want to go on this journey and when you start your body temperature will change frequently. If you are getting closer you will become warmer but if you are going farther away from them then you will get colder. There are no other hints on who your significant other is besides body temperature change so it can be quite difficult but that's just the way life works. So buckle up your seatbelts because this is going to be one hell of a roller coaster ride. Thank you to whoever reads this first because you gave me a second chance at finding love.

A/N: Hello everyone, this story was based on a Tumblr post. There should be nothing triggering in this story but if something comes up there will be a warning. I will try to update this weekly to keep you drawn into the story. Any comments, feedback, and/or questions are welcomed. Please vote, share, comment, subscribe, and add to your library for notifications when I update. Thanks in advance and until next time, byeeeeee xoxo

P.S.I do not own any of the characters, events, or cosplay references in this story. I am also not a writer in any way, shape, or form. I just like to write so I am sorry if this story is trash.

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