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 The amusement is totally crowded. Kids crying, people screaming from the unforgettable rides, people talking, the sound of the transport machine and more, causing the park is more 'live'.
   " Ice cream! Ice cream! Refresh your hot day! Come and buy ours! It's the best! Do come taste our creamy ice cream here! " soft yet loud screaming voice of a girl filled the air. Angeline are trying her best to attract a  lot of customers to her ice cream stall. She even wears a rabbit mascot  which will come in handy to attract more children who love eating ice cream. Even though the weather is piping hot. 

   "Ice cream! Ice cream!". Luckily, she don't have 'give up' in her life dictionary. Sarah is watching her sister from the ice cream stall. She smiled to herself.

  'Good job Angeline. Seems like i raise you well. I've done very well you see our Angeline now?'

 Sarah mumbled herself while looking up to the sky with her eyes start to create a pond. She look away to avoid eye-contact with Angeline who was taking a glance to her.

   Angeline came to approach Sarah. 

Angeline : Are you okay, Sarah?

Sarah :  I'm fine. Absolutely. 

Angeline : but you looks like about to cry.

Sarah : oh? no i'm not. Maybe because of the weather. 
  Sarah said as she wiped away her tears .

 Angeline start to frowned. Mixed feelings with sad, weird and.....blank. And then decide to just shrugged it off. Maybe it is really because of the weather.  She thought.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6:00 p.m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I see Angeline sitting at the bench not far from the stall with sweating forehead. Angeline keeps hand-fan herself using the ears of the rabbit mascot. She seems really tired and hot as well. 

Then, i saw a suspicious man who keep his hooded on and cover his face with black mask with a camera hanging at his neck. Sometimes, i saw him trying to snap some pictures at our direction but turned away when i saw him. His figure somehow, seems familiar to me. But i can't remember it well.

Once again, he tried to snap a picture of Angeline. Notice that, i quickly called for Angeline while waving my hand towards her. She then notice me and like a kid, she ran to me.

  The man check his camera and seems like satisfy with his work and then walk away.

 I saw Sarah calling for me and i ran towards her quickly as i thought that she is going to tell me good news that we both are waiting for so long.

Me : Is the money enough?

Sarah :.................................
Me :  Sarah?
  I called her again but this time by patting her shoulder as she seems to be off-land.

Sarah startled a bit and then ask me to repeat my words again. I do as i was told to.

Sarah : ouh! the money!. We're almost there. Maybe we should work for about a week more.
Angeline : a week?.. and then, i can go to further my studies right?
Sarah : of course. That is why we worked part time here, remember?

Angeline : Alright. :)

Yes. We do have our own bakery store at the first floor of our house but was closed. It is because we found that working at the amusement park will provide more money for us. So, we decide to work here as an ice cream vendor to collect enough money for my studies and also to open up the bakery again.

Sarah : Let's go home and eat. You must be hungry right?

Hearing the word of the food, my body gain unknown energy. HAHA. It's time to go home!!

 We pack all the things and closed the stall,heading to the road to catch the taxi.

I miss my bed so much!!

Here you're Angeline. I will never lost you anymore like my brother did. I can't failed him anymore. Please........................don't.........

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