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     The bright lights shining right onto his face woke him up. David takes a look around him. Wondering that he is in hospital. Suddenly his eyes caught on the person who is sleeping on the couch not far away from him. David try to get up from his lying position but the pain attack him at the back of his head. David groans in pain, causing the person who is sleeping just now wake up. The person turn around and quickly walk closer to David.

     "Are you okay?" The person asked excitedly. David lift his head up to see the unknown person's face.

     "Harry?!!!!!" David's eyes grew bigger as he saw the person that he missed the most. As quick as lightning, he pulled Harry into his hug.Crying as much as he want. Finally he got to meet his one and only family member.

     "Slow brother, you are not well recover yet." Harry said as he broke the hug and wiped away David's tears.
     "Such a cry baby." Harry said as he ruffled David's hair. David has something came into his mind but he can't explained it further. He once heard that nickname before but he can't remember who said it and when?

     "Where have you been Harry?" David asked as he shrugged away the questions in his mind. What's more important for him right now is to figure out the real story.

     "I'm with Uncle Bernard. He helped me a lot. Especially on our mission to destroy that family. We're almost at it, brother. I've done halfway and i need you to complete it." Harry said as he stood up and walked to the window.

     "I've worked so hard for this. Please don't make me upset." Harry said as his eyes wandering outside of the window view.

     "Who's family? What are you talking about? I don't get it." David asked in confused. 

     David' questions somehow shocked Harry. Harry turned around and walked furiously towards his brother.
     "Don't you remember? Martin's family destroyed ours. He made Mom suffered!! And we're planning to kill their last daughter. She is the one who put you in this hospital. She tried to kill you. You should be glad that i was there, to save you. Otherwise, you would not be breathing right now." Harry explained while holding David's shoulders tight.
     "Who? Why would she? ?" David asked tons of questions as he can't seem to remember at all.

    " Angeline. Now i need you to work with me. We must destroyed her before it's too late. She is in your house! Conquering your wealth!" Harry said as he tried to put the oil to the fire.

    And yes he succeed. David's eyes turned red.

     "I'm with you, brother." David agreed and pulled out the hospital's wires around his body and walked out from the hospital with Harry.

     "It's in our blood line , brother." Harry said smirking. David just nodded and followed Harry's step to a car.
    Uncle Bernard is inside. The three of them then discussed the plan.


     Angeline ran to the kitchen with just the help of her torchlight in her phone. To her shocked, Aunt Daisy was lying on the floor with blood everywhere.Blood.
    Angeline switched off her phone's torchlight to prevent her from watching the blood. Blood caused her dizzy. Groping in the dark, Angeline tried to bring Aunt Daisy's body to her lap.
    Suddenly, someone appear behind her, pulling her away from Aunt Daisy. Angeline struggled in the person's grip and decided to bite his hand.
   The man groaned in pain and let Angeline go. Angeline fell on the floor and crawl to find hiding place. But she bumped to another. Angeline lifted her head up. With the help of emergency lamp, the person's face revealed.


    Angeline fainted.


      Harry filled the pail with water and  splash it to Angeline's face. Causing her to wake up from her unconsciousness. 
     David pulled a chair and sit right in front of Angeline. He can't wait to face to face with his victim. Angeline lifted up her face but mostly covered with her hair. She can't see the person's face clearly as her hair blocking her view.

     With rough hand, David moved away her hair and pulled it to make Angeline lifted her head, matching the height with his. Both of them get shocked! Especially Angeline.

     " David?!! David is that you?" Angeline asked fill with fear as well as she saw Harry at the back with a gun in his hand.
     David waer the same shocked face as well. He didn;t speak a words, but his eyes fulled with numerous question.

     I saw her somewhere. But..where?when? and how?    David drown in his own questions.
     Suddenly, a deep pained attack him by the head. David groaned in pain while holding his head tight. He can't seem to be near at the girl at all. The girl in front of him remind him of something.

     " David are you, okay?. David it's me..Angeline! Please... Why don't you remember?" Angeline asked trying to get near him but she can't as she is all tied up to a chair. Seeing David fighting with unbearable pain torture her heart a lot. She wish she can be beside him.

     "Ahh!!  Stupid brain of yours!!! Get lost from my sight or i will kill by my own hand!!" David screamed out loud and walked away from Angeline to the couch not far from her. Leaving Angeline with Harry.

     " David, why don't you remember me? Please, you're hurting me. I miss you." Angeline said as she can't move her eyes from David.

     Suddenly, Harry slapped he with the gun, causing her mouth to bleed. Luckily, she can't see her own blood. Otherwise, she can't control her head from getting dizzy.

     " Don't you dare to say that to my brother, you cunning dwarf!" Harry said angrily and kick away the chair in front o her. The one that David used to sit just now.

     "What are you doing, Harry.Please stop all of this. I'm begging you. Please bring back my Dave." Angeline begged, crying non-stop.

     "You're not deserved my brother!! Your family is just a torturer!!Your family destroyed mine. They killed my parents!!! And you will faced the worst than that. I'm gonna make your heirs will never born again!!! I'll make your descent disappear forever!! Your family should not exist on the Earth!!" Harry voice out his anger madly and pointed his gun right to Angeline's forehead.

     Angeline lost of words. She take a glance at David who still face his back towards her. 

     "Dave, please. Come back to me." Angeline said and closed her eyes tight. Get herself ready for a fatal shot. Not knowing why, she began to give up. She can hear Harry pulled out the bullet, and with just one move, she will die.

     " I'll send you to your parents. Don't worry, it will be three.." Harry count and the gun vomit it's bullet.


   A body fell to the floor with blood everywhere. Hearing the sound of the gun, David quickly ran to the scene and saw..........................

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