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     Leaving out his gloves and cap  on the floor while walking and ruffled his hair stressly. His bodyguard just followed him while picking up the stuffs for him. David straight walked up to the second floor, heading to his office while his bodyguard trying to catch his wide step. Three steps is just one step for him.

    "Whats wrong , sir?" His 40th male bodyguard asked. But David show no sign of replying. He just continued climbing the stairs with eyes filled with worries.

    I didn't do it..yet..but then, who???

    David mumbled himself and ruffled his brown hair roughly. He walked straight to his office and closed the door without giving the chance to his bodyguard to get in as well.
    He punch hard on the table and keep his head down. Thinking. But then, his eyes fixed to the frame on the corner of his desk. The family photo that he will never erase from his memory. And the revenge that mountain up inside his heart. There's no more love inside of him. Just the desire and the confident to........striving to revenge.....for his family.

     Once in a while, David braved himself to recall back the incident happened a few years ago

David's p.o.v

     I kicked the ball too hard that the ball flew up in the sky and stop right in front of the main door of my house, or should i say, villa or maybe mansion, though.
I've been living a perfect life. With my family and my brother, Harry

     But then everything changes when we went for a trip at the Kelly's valley. Its such a beautiful countryside but i never thought that the trip changed my family,,.... forever. Especially my dad.

     "Can you grab the ball for me please Harry" i yelled to Harry who was busy watering his favourite flower, Smeraldo.
    "Can you please be careful next time??" Harry said and just lazily walked to grab the ball.
    Since that trip as well, Harry also had changed a lot. He was no longer the caring Harry that i knew. Every day, every hour and even seconds, he always told me that she worried about mom and dad. He told me that something is shaking mom and dad marriage.

     I saw Harry pick up the ball but his eyes stuck on the window, staring into something. I wait for him for a quiet amount of time. Feeling frustrated, i walked to him while my hands on my hip.
    "Whats taking you so long???" I asked him but then my eyes also fixed on what i saw. Its mom and dad, yelling,screaming and kept telling each other to quiet and stop. I can't believed what i just saw. The most romantic beloved couples i ever seen in my entire life......fight.

    Harry cried.

    Suddenly mom and dad rushed out from the house and mom grabbed both of us following dad into the car.

    "I said don't bother me!!!!!!!" Dad yelled at mom while me and Harry quietly shut our mouth at the back sit.
    "Please, William...remember our sons in your decisions. They don't want to see their father ended up in the prison, me neither." Mom begged with teary eyes.
    "Its up to you now. You're the one who bring up our sons here." With that, dad drove the car like a moron. He looks like trying to reach a destination as soon as possible.

    "How dare them showed up right in front of me. Acting like they happy, while i'm suffering here." Dad said still driving the car like a crazy person trying to have a race with the endless wind.
    "Suffering? Suffering you said? For all those 4 decades i spent with you and love you with all my heart, you said you are suffer???" Mom said while sobbing. Her tears was no longer fit in her eye. They all had overflowed and stream on her cheek.

Mom? Dad, why are you doing thus to mom?

    Without asking for confirmation, i knew Harry had the same thoughts as mine . But, Harry didn't  cry like me, he......clinched his teeth though and flinch a fist.

    "Don't be a fool Marie, you know right at the very first of our wedding, i told you that i will 
" But why?????? You promised me to....."
"That's all shit!!!! My father forced me to. And because of your stupid bankrupt father, i had to marry you. And i dumbly let Laura go. Laura is my true love!!!!!!!! YOU GOT IT!!!! And i'm gonna kill that asshole Martin." Dad yelled like he never knew mom.
Dad was being too much!! Mom loves him so much. But dad gave mom insults as the result of the endless support and love gave by mom. The person right in front of me will no longer be my dad, Mr. William . And Martin's family will live in a terrible life like hell for hurting Mom. They will never know what will happiness taste like. They don't deserve it!!!!

    Mom was surely crying, but she hide her face away. But i know she is crying. William was being heartless. I looked to my side and saw Harry faced.

HARRY's P.o.v
    Martin, you are in my dead list. You had destroy my family!!!!! I'll destroy yours too.
    I looked at David and grabbed his hand. " What ever happen after this, i hope....... you will understand why......"
    Can't finished my words, the car crashed onto another car. The car spun and my head knock to the window a few times. Causing it to bleed.

     I opened my eyes and my head hurts like crazy. But then, i saw mom but she dead, didn't breath. I went out from the car to search some help and crying nonstop.

" plea...please be strong.... i need you...."

     But what i'm witnessing was more terrible.
    A woman was killed, right in front of my face and................ there were two girls.
    I threw some stones towards the man to save the girls.
Bad idea. Those words came to my mind when the man stepping closer to me. I stepped back and almost fell down on the rough surface of road when the man grab my hand and give me something.
    A wallet? I looked at him again and he replied with husky voice " belongs to the man in the car". He uses his index finger and pointed it out at the car which had crashed my car.
    I opened it, and my eyes widened as i read the name of the identity card.

    The mysterious man held out his hand, a gesture to help me getting up and asking for my agreement.

    " You're with me young man??" He asked with a smirk in his face.

    Mom and dad's faced came to my mind and the smiles that had been buried....perfectly deep in my heart,......... i promised myself, i'll accomplish the revenge in behalf of my dad.

That family will be dead!!!!!

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