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     Back to the amusement park that she used to work with Sarah reminisce back the memories again. Standing in front of the ice cream stall is Angeline. Standing there without moving a single muscle is Angeline. Holding to her bag tightly,Angelina tend to imagine Sarah in the ice cream stall of theirs,smiling at her. Hot tears start to stream on her cheeks. One drop,two drop, and soon it becomes a waterfall.

    Angelina puts her head down in order to hide her swollen face from the people at the amusement park. However, her swollen face still noticeable every time she lift her head up and catch some interest and worries from the other. Angelina try to put on a fake spectacle to cover up. But still she can't stop her eyes from producing tears every time she looks at the mini ice cream stall in front of her. 

    Please stop crying.... Angeline told her mind. Unfortunately, it turns out that her tears still unstoppable as the one that take all over control towards her body right now is, her own heart.

Something heavy filled her heart, making it hard for her to step away from the stall. 

     Angeline wipes away her tears with her long sleeves and frequently telling herself to stop crying as the people around her start glancing at her with a weird expression.

    Suddenly, a bullet pass by her side and land right at her ice cream stall. A small move to her right can make her the one who will be shot.


   Angeline soon realized that it is a bullet from a sniper (maybe), because the accident happened too fast. It took a moment for her brain to process what is happening. Another shocking accident happens when the old woman beside her get shot by the same way. Quiet but mortal.

    Angeline screams out loud as she saw the old woman lying on the hard ground with blood everywhere, especially at her tummy. People start to surround the scene and each of them caused a great shock face. Some even closed their mouth with their hand, and some looking at the old lady with wide eye in disbelief. Angeline can't stand anymore,her knee got weak and she fall on her her knee on the spot. Not long after that, the anonymous let out another shoot. All the crowd spread away like ants running away from grasshopper. People keep screaming as the anonymous keep shooting out of nowhere. 

    Angeline close her ears with both of her palm as the bullets keep targeting her. 

    Sarah, please help me!!! 


Another bullet passed by but she got no lucky this time. The bullet fly straight to her  right arm and caused a sharp pain. Angeline scream in pain and fall to the ground. Somehow, the bullet rain stop. Angeline crawl to the back of her ice cream stall and press her right arm hard to prevent from the blood keep flowing out excessively.  Her long sleeves blue shirt now change it color to red as it got moistened with blood. However, Angeline let out a glad gasp of air as the endless bullets rain stopped.

    But the peace just last for a while as it continue it's madness. Angeline once again hurl her body and hug her knee tight and screamed for help. Even though she wasn't sure whether  anyone will notice her hiding behind the ice cream stall.

  " Somebody help me!!!!!!Stoppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Angeline scream out her heart. 

    Suddenly, a man fully in black attire came into her view and grab her left hand.
"I'll count to three and then you run with me , got it?!" The man pulled down his black mask and look straight at Angeline as he is giving an instruction. Even though it sounds simple, but Angeline looks puzzled with the sudden appearance of the man and the quick order asking her to run with the STRANGER??!!

    But a small part of her heart telling her to just trust the man. With the lack of space in their hiding place (behind the ice cream stall), Angeline's face and the man's face are just a few inch. Angeline somehow can  feel the hot breath from the man as soon as the man pulled his mask down.Her heart  pound hard but she can't explain it whether it's because of the panic situation or because she is nervous sitting too closed with the man. A peculiar feeling came  through her heart.But she can't look through his eyes as he is wearing a black spectacle. Not just an ordinary glass. But a rare one, she guessed. 

     "One, two, three!!!!" The man count and pulled Angeline's left arm. They run out from their hiding place and rush to the car parked just near Angeline's ice cream stall.  

    The man push her hard into the car and rush to the driver seat.

    What is happening?? who is he??? he saved me??? or what????

    What is happening?? who is he??? he saved me??? or what????

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