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     Angeline hide herself behind a huge tree. Watching Kyla's family mourning at Kyla's grave. Angeline was not allowed to step near Kyla's grave and even got a warning from Kyla's Dad. 
 " You bring such a bad luck to my family!! Please go away from here. I forbidden you from getting any near at my daughter's grave! Get lost from here. Kyla should have not meet you!! Go away!!!" Her Dad's warning still lingering in her mind. She was pushed away in front of the crowd of people. She can't help but to obey Kyla's Dad to prevent from the situation getting worse. Kyla's mother non-stop tears cut her heart even deeper. She didn't given any chance to say sorry. 

    I'm sorry, i can't save your friend. She lost a lot of blood and she was stabbed quite deep. I'm sorry. We've done our best.

 The doctor's shocking news made her world fall apart once again. The person that she loves leave her one by one.

     Angeline cry behind the tree without anyone notice.  Watching the funeral until the crowd dismissed. But Kyla's parents still there. Suddenly, a strong grip hold her left arm and spun her body to face the person. 

It's David.

     "What are you doing here?" Angeline asked in stammer voice. She wiped away her tears to see things clearer than before.
     "Let's go home. It's going to rain." David answered with cold voice and pulled her to his car.
     " Wait!! I need to see Kyla!" Angeline begged as she trying to loosen up the grip. But her strength is nothing compared to David's.
     " There's no use waiting here. Do you think her father will let you do so? I don't think so. Let's just go home." David linked his hand with Angeline's and walked to his car. This time, Angeline showed no sign of fighting back. 

     In the car, Angeline voice out her worries.
    "Are you sure of letting me stay at your house?Don't you afraid of..." before she could finish her words, David cut it off.
    " Aunt Daisy is there. Don't worry." David said while his eyes locked on the road, like always.
    "No, that's not what i mean. I'm not sure whether i should say this but, loved one passed away one by one.....maybe Kyla's Dad's accusations is right. I am just a bad luck. Don't you afraid of me?" Angeline said with a low voice. 
    "Nope. I don't believe in such things. Plus,if you're really such a bad luck, I'm not your loved ones. So, nothing gonna happen to me.Right?" It's supposed to be convincing but then he noticed, why does it's sounds like more to mocking? Ops!

    Well, obviously, he is not good in such things.

    Angeline sigh and looked out of the window.



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   " I'm sorry, Sir. But i think my boys killed the wrong person." A man with  dragon tattoo at his neck showed up in his room in panic.

   " What??!!!! Are you crazy!!!!" Harry's blood was boiling and he stepped furiously to the man in front of him and grab him by the collar.

   " Can't you do your job well?!!!" Harry yelled right in front of his face.
   " I'm sorry, Sir. I've tracked the girl but we've got a problem here." The man try to loosen up Harry's grip at the collar as it's making him hard to breath.

   And finally he did. 

   Harry walk back to his table while his hand on his hip.

    " What is it?" Harry asked fiercely. Guarantee that the man in front of him shrink.
     " The girl, is with you brother, David."

     The man's news shocked him even more.

    " David?!!" 

    Aunt Daisy prepared some chicken porridge to Angeline. Angeline had fallen sick since the day she came back from the grave yard with David. On her way to Angeline's room, Micheal stopped her half way.

    " You make porridge?" Micheal asked. 
    " Can't you see old man?. Hey,Mike!, wanna know something?" Aunt Daisy make a hand gesture to make Micheal coming to her closer. Micheal just obey and kneeled a bit to match the height with Aunt Daisy who is a little bit shorter. 

     "David asked me to serve well balanced diet to her. And he always visit Angeline's room!." Aunt Daisy whispered.

     " Are you sure?!" Micheal asked to get further confirmation.
     " Yes i'm absolutely sure. I was about to give Angeline her medicine when i saw David opened the door a jar and  stood in front of her room. He didn't step into the room but instead he just standing in front the door. And you know what, Mike? For the first time, David told me to take care of her well. Can't you believe it? It's been a while since David ever care about anybody else." Aunt Daisy explained excitedly and excuse herself.

    Micheal stand there with a smile. " Its good to hear that".


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