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      Both Angeline and Micheal hardly breath after hearing the news. The one ho committed the crime was actually his own brother? What is his reason for hurting David,then? Why he want to kill me?  Angeline confused with her questions and at the same time worry to death thinking about what they're going to do.

      Angeline turned to see Micheal who has been sitting there unspoken. Micheal seems to be shocked as well. Angeline pulled a chair and sit behind Micheal, to figure out the answers for her questions. Micheal is the only one who know it all.

     " What does Harry want from my family?" Angeline asked while grabbing Micheal hand and hold it tight. Transferred some strength to him but herself is afraid to listen to the truth. Sometimes, truth is worst than lies.

      "Revenge.He want to take revenge." Micheal answered with his eyes locked on the floor all the time.
      " On behalf f his mother?" she asked again as she already knew half of their stories.
      " I don't know how you figured it out ,but.....i think it's a yes. I thought it's just David who wished to take revenge. But i know he couldn't, because he can't.Revenge is not in his life. David is more nicer than you see how he is before. But Harry....." Micheal stopped at his words as he burst int tears.
      " What's wrong with Harry?" Angeline asked desperately wants to know how her family can be involved.
     " Harry is the opposite.He's more to an introvert. He loves to keep his feelings instead of sharing it with someone else like David. He won't tell anybody including his brother. Me neither.He hold too much grudges in him. I thinks that's the reason why that built what he is now. "

     " He won't hurt David,right?" Angeline asked as she was very worried about David, instead of herself.

     " He won't hurt his own brother. I'm scared that he is going to hurt you,Angeline. You're his target. You're from the family that he wants dead. I need to protect you, it's David's order by the way." Micheal explained and lifted his butt from the chair and walked to his computer.

     " What had my family ever done to him? I'm curious to death!If it's about my Mother, it's not true! My Mother never loves somebody else except Father. She won't disturbed someone else marriage. Mother is innocent!" Angeline lost control and burst into tears.

     " I wished Mr. William will be like your Mother, but he didn't." Micheal turned around and take a glimpse to Angeline but then moves his eyes facing the frame hung at the wall. Angeline also take a look at the frame as well. A picture of a man in his 40 s wearing grey tuxedo .

    I bet, this is Mr.William. Angeline thought.

     "I has been working with Mr William since he is still young. And i'm afraid to say that both David and his Dad shared the same phobia. Thantophobia. The fear of losing someone you love. But David's still can be controlled as it's detected when she is still young. And David just fears of losing his Mom. But Mr.William's phobia was really hard to cure. He's fall too crazy in love with you Mother, Laura. He can't bear losing Laura even though he knew Laura never accepted his love. He kept waiting and waiting for your,Mother. But then, his father forced him to get into arranged marriage with Madam Marie in order to save his best friend's company from bankrupt. Mr William was totally furious about it but he got no choice. If he refused, he won't get any cents of the family's wealth. So he agreed." Micheal explained.

     "So, they didn't love each other." Angeline voice out after Micheal with low-toned voice.

     " They didn't. Mr William treat like Madam Marie never existed in his life. Same goes to his two sons. He spent most of his time in the office and his secret room to find Laura's whereabouts instead of being with his family." Micheal continue.

     "That's terrible."

    " There's something worst than that. Sometimes, i'm glad if he didn't come home. All he did if he saw Madam Marie was just abused her. Day by day. Once he found out that your Mother is having a vacation in Kelly's Valley, he lied to David,Harry and Madam Marie that they're going for a holiday as well. His real intend was to meet Laura and kidnapped her away." Micheal explain while walking to Mr William's frame.

     "But my Mother died in accident. Not because of him." Angeline still confused with the very little memories about her family.

     "Laura faced him but once again rejected him. Saying that she is happy with her family now. Mr William felt like it's unfair for him. He can't live without Laura. If he can't have Laura, anybody can't too. I'm afraid to say that...................Mr William planned the accident." Micheal revealed the biggest news.

      "What?!! Then, why Harry was the one who is furious about it? His father planned it. Why get mad with mine?" Angeline asked as she not getting the point why he wants her family die.

     "Harry thought your family was the one who destroyed his. Your mother made his mother suffered.That is his mindset." Micheal said as he turned to face Angeline.

     "But it's his Dad! Not my Mother!" Angeline getting mad.

     "I told you! Harry is full of grudge!" Micheal said and moves to his computer.

      "Can' he forget the revenge?" Angeline asked with the question full of hopes.

      " I'm afraid i don't have answer for that." Micheal said with low voice. And continue with his jb tracking David's whereabouts.

     There is only one question playing in her mind right now,.." Uncle Micheal, how do you know about this?How do you know about the accident?" her one question became two.

     "Because........i was there....i dumbly help Mr William tracking Laura's activity...i don't expect from him like this.... I called the ambulance to help both of the families....but....i'm sorry i can't save your Mother." Micheal said and stopped his fingers from tapping the keyboard.

     "What's wrong with my Mother?" Angeline asked, walking closer to Micheal.
     "I saw everything Angeline, but yet i can't do anything except for calling the ambulance. I'm sorry. " Micheal said trying to hide behind her sentences.

     "What did you saw?"

     " Your Mother was stabbed.Harry saved you and your sister. But the man took Harry instead." Micheal arranged his words, simplified because he can't hold his tears anymore. He feels useless. For not be able to help. 


     Aunt Daisy was busy in the kitchen, cleaning all the kitchen utensils when suddenly the house black out. Aunt Daisy who is afraid of dark screamed out loud. Slowly, she groping in the dark and called out Uncle Micheal's name. Suddenly, a strong stoke hit the back of her head and a loud sound of shot. Soon, she felt a sharp pain at her stomach. Aunt Daisy collapsed.

    The loud gunshot shocked Angeline and Uncle Micheal. 

     "Ant Daisy!!!" Angeline shouted and quickly ran out from the room with Uncle Micheal 10 steps behind him. Before he followed up Angeline, there's something more important to do. To find the solutions and the end of the revenge.

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