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     Once again, i dreamed of her. Sarah looks so happy in my dream, and for the first time, i can touch her. Even though i knew it's just for a while , I won't missed the chance to hold her tight, and to be in her warm embrace. I miss her a lot. She caress my cheek before her figure turned into white snow.   The last words she said to me :
     "Please live well my dear. I will always miss you. I'll never leave you."

     I woke up from my sleep and wiped away my tears. That's it. I won't live in misery anymore. Like Kyla said, Sarah do want me to move on with my life too. I have to be strong and find out who is behind all of this mess. I promise myself to find out who is it.

    I grabbed my towel and ran to the bathroom to take a refreshing bath. In the bathroom, David's face came into my mind. Did he really mean his words yesterday? Will he protect me?
    Those things lingering in my mind like a waterfall. Thoughts , worries, scared, all in there. What if David was just acting?
      I put back the comb to it's place and did a little bit of clean up on that messy table. Usually, Sarah would always cleaned it up for her. Such a spoiled girl. A small smile appeared on my face. For the very first time.

      The clock has shown 8:00 am. I walked out from the room, heading to the kitchen to give a hand for Aunt Daisy to prepare some breakfast. As i was on my way, i passed by 'his' room. Should i knock? I ask myself while standing in front of his door.
     He confessed to me and yet I don't give him any answer. Am i being too cruel?. But it's too sudden for me. I think i need a moment to think about it. Besides, Letting him by my side just means that i put him in danger. Someone wants me die. He can't be involved.
     Suddenly, the door flung open, revealing David in sweatshirt. I step back as David step forward with frowned face.
     "What are you doing in front of my room?" David asked while closing his door.
     "I ..i'm just.. ermm.. Aunt Daisy ask me to call you for breakfast! Yes, breakfast. Let's go." I stuttered and walked away from him hurriedly. But i can feel the he was smiling and maybe laughing at me .
    Oh Angeline!!! It was so embarrassing! I mad at myself for not be able to control my nervousness. I said face palm myself.

     Angeline walked straight to the kitchen with David behind her. Which she thought David was following her.Luckily, David stopped and took a seat at the dining room. Angeline felt relieved and went to Aunt Daisy who is busy toasting the bread. Watching Aunt Daisy busy in the kitchen somehow reminds her of someone that she never met.
     Is this how Mother looks like when she is in the kitchen?  Angeline monologue.
     Uncle Micheal also makes her  imagine how her Father would be if he still alive.
     But, realizing that three people of her loved ones already happy up there with God, Angeline  keep a smile on her face, not wanting to make her family upset of their leaving. They want to see me  happy too,right?  Angeline thought.

  For now, she can assumed that Aunt Daisy and Uncle Micheal are the most loving person she had ever met after her sister and Kyla and maybe treat them like her own family. Maybe she can't make her real family happy, but with her new family, maybe she can do good deeds like her sister did. Protect your loved ones.

    Without wasting any golden seconds, Angeline rushed to Aunt Daisy and back hugged her. It startled Aunt Daisy a bit and she let out a chuckled for Angeline's childish attitude.
    "Oh my darling, you scared me ." Aunt Daisy said while caressing Angeline's hand wrapped around her waist
     "Can i help you Aunt Daisy?" Angeline asked breaking the hug.
     " No, it's fine. You're too late, darling.Breakfast is ready! Go sit at the dining room with David." Aunt Daisy said while pinching Angeline's nose, causing her to grin a bit. 
      "I'll help you." Angeline said while placing the toasts on a plate.

      Angeline helped Aunt Daisy to bring those delicious breakfast to the dining room. Scrambled egg, toasts ,pancakes, strawberry jam,peanut butter, butter spread, hams, baked beans and a lot of fruits all served. Angeline gulp down her own saliva, the smell of the food in front of her are really appetizing.Especially the pancakes topped with honey. When she was ill, all she ate was just chicken porridge and fruit smoothies. But, seeing David on the table made her hesitate.

     Am I going to sit with him?

     "Have a sit.You too Mom." Both Angeline and Aunt Daisy were shocked by what they've heard. Is the arrogant David invited them to have a breakfast together. Angeline and Aunt Daisy changed glances to each other.Plus, is David calling Aunt Daisy....Mom?????

    "It's okay, Sir. I'll eat later." Aunt Daisy said trying to refused the invitation politely while Angeline blinking non-stop. Frankly speaking, her stomach is singing unseemly.
      "Oh,please.We're family. Don't be shy.Stop calling me 'Sir', just call me David. You too Liny. I'm gonna get Uncle Micheal." Dave pulled the chair for Aunt Daisy and for Angeline as well.
     "Don't start without us okay?" David said smiling and went out to find Uncle Michael.

     "Can you pinch me once again?" Angeline asked while her eyes fixed on the table. " I want you to do the same too." Aunt Daisy replied in confused too. They did pinched each other and both groan in pain. " Aunt Daisy, i'm not dreaming. It' hurt!!" Angeline answered shockingly. They stared to each other.

     David came back with Uncle Micheal following him from the back. Back to reality, Aunt Daisy and Angeline quickly fixed their butt on the chair and wait until David and Uncle Micheal sit too. Uncle Micheal also wear that confused face on. It's looks like Uncle Micheal also can't believe what just happened.

     " I know there's a lot of questions in your mind, right?" David broke the silent with fatal questions. Everyone at the table kept gazing at each other. Like what-are-we-gonna-do expression.
     " I know it's hard to believe but please get used to it. I'm also trying the same. Uncle Micheal and Aunt Daisy, can i consider you both as my parents?" Davis asked while holding right hand of Uncle Micheal and left hand of Aunt Daisy. However, Uncle Micheal seemed touched by the offer. Concurrently, both of them answered. 'Yes'.

     Am i watching family reunion or something? Angeline mumbled herself, realizing that she was only an observer since then. Angeline took a glass of warm water in front of her and gulp it fast. Trying to calm herself down.

     "If that so, may i introduce to you the love of my life, Angeline." David voice out while pointing out politely to Angeline.

     Angeline who is busy drinking her water chocked when she listened to those words. Aunt Daisy quickly patted her back to relieve the choking pain.

    " Sorry? I'm what?" Angeline asked for confirmation while wiping away the excessive water at her mouth.
    " I'm just saying that, you're my girlfriend." David said calmly while Angeline looking like a mess.

     " When did you be my boyfriend?" Angeline asked  with frowned eyebrows.
     " I'll make sure you say yes." David answered confidently and start eating.

     Aunt Daisy gave her a mocking smile and patted her thighs. As a sign to say congratulation.

    While the others are enjoying their food, Angeline seems like to be off-land. 


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