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      Angeline shut her eyes tight, waiting for the Death to take her soul away. One, two three...nothing happened but the gun shouted. She felt nothing attack her body. Besides, she heard David screamed instead. Slowly, Angeline opened her eyes and saw...

      "Micheal!!!" Angeline screamed as she saw Micheal standing in front of her with bleeding stomach. He gave her a small smile before he fall on the floor. Before he hit the floor, David came and put Micheal's head on his lap. Angeline burst into tears, seeing Micheal enduring the pain that should be hers. Once again, she had to witness her loved ones dying because of her. And she can't do anything to protect them. History do repeat. Micheal screaming Micheal's name few times and moved her eyes to Harry who looks very petrified by what he had done. He looks panicked and flustered.

     "Harry! It's Micheal!!! Our Dad!!" David said as he wipe away Micheal's tears. Harry still stood there, froze.

     " Dad, please wake up. I'm sorry. Don't leave me." David begged and cry non-stop.

     Micheal weakly lifted his hand to caress David's face and gave him a weak smile while turning his head to look at Harry..
     "Harry....David...I miss you two...." Micheal said and drop warm tears.
     "Be strong, Dad. Harry!!! Call the ambulance!!!" David yelled at Harry but Micheal told him not.
     "Please stay by my side, both of you." Micheal said. David and Harry both froze at where they're.
     "From now on......please.....stop this....Liny is innocent.......this is not...what your mom..want.." Micheal can't speak clearly as the pain in his abdomen start to grow painful.

     Hearing the word 'Liny' tend to make him had a quick flashback. David take a look at Angeline who is crying as well, terrified.

     "I...I..I remember her.....she's Angeline...Dad i remembered her..." Davis said and moves his attention back to Micheal. 

    Micheal let out his widest smile even though he is enduring the pain. " David,......return to her...please..." Micheal finds it getting harder to speak. Ever words feels like a knife stabbing him at the same spot.

     "I guys..." Micheal caress David's hand and let out his last breath.

     Micheal's chest is not moving anymore. Any heartbeat can't be heard. Micheal's eyes, closed. Forever.

     "Dad? Dad??!! Dad!!!!!!! Harry! Liny!!" David screamed and hug Micheal's dead body tight.

     Angeline can't watch it anymore and moves her eyes to Harry who was about to cry. Suddenly, she notice a man standing behind Harry. The poor source of light makes it hard to see. Angeline focused her eyes by squinted it a little bit and she was sure that the man is pointing a gun towards Harry!

     "Harry!!Behind you!!" Angeline screamed to warn Harry but it's too late when she heard a gunshot and it hit Harry's leg.

     The man walked closer to them, standing right under the emergency lamp, revealing his real face. Harry crawl back, keeping a distance from the man. David also shocked by the gunshot and moves his gaze to the man.

     "Uncle Bernard!" Both David and Harry answered at the same time.
      "You guys are too slow!! But it's makes my plan easier." Uncle Bernard said while walking circling them.

      "What have you done Uncle!!!Have you lost your mind?!!!" Harry yelled trying stand up but he can't.

      "Imagine tomorrow newspaper headline. 'David and Harry, the sons of the famous entrepreneur,Mr William Nathan murdered a whole family for grudge'. Does it sound interesting? But i thinks it's too long. How about ' Inhuman family of Mr William Nathan'?" Bernard said while playing with his beard.

     "You traitor!!!" Harry screamed and quickly grab a gun inserted in his pocket. But Bernard is faster, he kicked away the gun and pulled Angeline's hair roughly. Angeline screamed in pain.

     "Let her go!!" David said putting Micheal's body gently on the floor and stand up straightly, facing Bernard. When he stepped closer, Bernard point the gun to Angeline's head.

     "Another step closer. i will make sure she die!!!" Bernard warned. David stop walking and stare deep to Bernard's eyes.
     "Have you lost your mind, Bernard.You'll just ended up i the jail!!And i will make sure that will happen!!" David said trying to play with Bernard's pride.

     "You tricked us!!!" Harry yelled from behind after succeed to stand up by grabbing to a chair.

     "HAH! Traitor? Tricked? You guys feel tricked now? I'll tell you who is the real traitor!!" Bernard said as he untie Angeline and bring her with him.

     "Both of your family are the traitors!!!!" Bernard said and throw Angeline on the floor and shot her left arm. Angeline groan in pain as the bullet dig deeper in her arm.

    As quick as the flash, David ran to Angeline and grab her body before Bernard did. Luckily, Bernard let him do it. 

     "Good, since you guys are here. Let me tell you bedtime stories before you guys sleep forever." Bernard said while filling his gun with bullets.

     "Such a fool family. William's heirs are dumb, and Martin's are dumber.No one of you know what's true love is all about.  You guys just know to betrayed people!!" Bernard start opening his stories.

     "Just straight to the point! What our family have ever done to you??!!!" Harry yelled from behind.

     "Do you want me to shoot your another leg? Maybe one is not enough for you." Bernard warned as he feels defeated.Receiving order from the youngsters is hurting his pride.

     " Both of your family are traitor!! William should not be my BFF at the first place. He snatch away Marie from me just because he is rich! And left me without explanation!! He knew that i'm in love with Marie but still he took away my one and only happiness and he treated Marie like animal!! 
        And you Angeline!! I thought your father sincerely want to help me, but he was also a traitor!! Martin promised me to give Marie back to me. He married with Laura,William's first love to make a bet with William. He will let go of Laura if William divorce Marie. But Laura deeply in love with Martin, and Martin dumbly loves her back. Martin broke his promise and left me alone!!
       Since that day, i promised myself to destroy both of the families, by making you guys betrayed each other!!! Sounds fun isn't?" Bernard let out loud laugh. Classified as evil laugh.

      " You saved me to make me as your puppet!!!" Harry mad.
     "Owh, the accident was a blessing for me. I need you to be my puppet. Since you saw me killed Laura, i can't let you roaming freely, you have to stand by my side, Working for me to kill people. Don't you love it, Harry??" Bernard asked while walking closer to Harry.

    "So you're the one behind all of this. You killed my sister!! My friend!!" Angeline shout struggling to escape from David's embrace. David hold her tight, preventing her from doing something stupid.

     "Owh, yes, why???? You want to attack me now,HA??" Bernard play with his gun and shot playfully around Harry,David and Angeline like it's just a toy.

     David pulled Angeline closer to his chest, protecting her from the random shots. Suddenly, he saw a red light inside of Micheal's coat. It's a tape recorder!!!. Means that Micheal had been recording all the conversation. A ticket for Bernard to go to jail!

     "Get ready to meet the God.You first Angeline." Bernard said as he is pointing the gun towards Angeline. David hide Angeline in his embrace and curled his body, minimize as much as Angeline's body that are expose to Bernard.
     "Owh, sweet couple. Should i kill you both?" Bernard said while smiling mockingly.

     " Bernard!!!" Harry called out his name from behind. Bernard turn around and saw red light all over his body and makes his eyes dazzled. Struggling with his ereuthophobia, Bernard closed his eyes with both of his palm walking backwards to try to avoid the bright red light,not realizing that he had his gun dropped on the floor.

      "David, now!!!" Harry screamed to his brother. Quickly, David grab the gun and smash it hard on Bernard's head. Causing him to collapsed.


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