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She opened her eyes and found herself all alone in the amusement park. She still puzzled and can't remember why she standing in the middle of the park directly under the sun. Nobody there. Not even a single voice can heard. Just some noises of the dry hit by the wind that blows and the clinging sound of rusty iron.Creepy tho.
Angeline take a look around her and found not a single soul. Suddenly, her eyes locked at the small familiar ice cream stall. Angeline walk closer to the stall and analyzing it as well. The closer she got, the more she can remember and her speed increase. She run the ice cream stall and stand in front of it, while breathing hard.

"Sarah?" Angeline called out her sister's name and walk a little bit closer to the stall. But no one can be seen. Angeline start to form tears at the corner of her eyes,but she still try her hard to prevent in from falling.

Suddenly, the light from the sun caused a dazzle, make it hard for her see because of too much light. She cover her eyes with her palm and notice a shining silver thing on the table of the ice cream stall.Angeline then realized that the dazzle is because of the light reflected by the necklace. Yes, what she saw just now is a necklace but she can't look at it clearly yet as her eyes can't focus well. She grab it and quickly hide behind the ice cream stall to avoid the sunlight . Angeline lean against the ice cream stall and start to observe the necklace.

It's a heart locket necklace .

    Angeline look at the necklace without blinking as it's too familiar with her. As it is a locket, Angeline try to open it.  She opened the first wing and saw a small picture consist of a man and a little girl which she believes is her sister as at the wing, written 'Sarah'  in calligraphic writing.

    "Is it you ,Father?" Angeline speak to herself as she began observing the man behind Sarah.

    She has never seen the picture of her parents as Sarah rarely talk about them. The only info that she got is about the fatal accident that killed her parents and the incomplete secret told by Sarah before she die about Mom never betrayed Father.

    When Angeline is about to open the another wing, something fast and small suddenly come from behind her and hit her right shoulder.The necklace also slip out from her grip. The strong hit makes her fell on the ground and she groan in pain as her right shoulder start to bleed. Angeline try to flip her body to face the sky, but all she can see is a black masked man standing beside her and suddenly kneel down to get closer to her face.

    "Help." Angeline beg for his help in a low voice as she got no more energy to speak unless to withstand the pain.

    Angeline can hear the sound of the man smirking at her and suddenly the strange man take out a small piece of white cloth and close half of Angeline's face.



    Angeline wake up and found herself no longer at the amusement park, but at a large room. For a second, Angeline amaze by the interior design until the sharp pain start to occur at her right arm.

    She take a look at her right arm to check the injury but all she can see is that her right arm was already well-bandaged. But the wound start to bleed again,causing the white bandage drenched in blood. Angeline press her wound hard to avoid excessive bleeding. She climb down the bed and walk to the door. Unfortunately, it's locked.


     "Sir, i think she already wake up. I can hear her voice screaming just now." His bodyguard came to his front and panicky utter the news.

    "Don't you think we need to call a doctor,sir? I'm afraid that the wound was not well  treated." His bodyguard explain further.

    "Just bring me the aid-kit ." David order lazily and walk away to the Angeline's room.

   " Are you going to treat her, sir?"his bodyguard ask again.
   " Stop asking and just follow me." David answered and leave his bodyguard dumbfounded.

   Such a troublesome.


     Angeline knocks the door the door twice and ask if there is anybody out there. But, when she heard no respond, she knock the door hard. Her mind told her that she is being kidnapped! Her anxiety start to conquer her mind. Sometimes can caused her to do dumb thing.

    A couple years ago when she was 15 years old,she trapped in the closet when she was playing hide and seek with Sarah. Suddenly, the closet locked itself and Angeline began to panic. Gladly, Sarah came in the first place, not her parents. Otherwise, they will be really mad .

    Angeline began to kick the door of the closet but since it was really dark in there,she can't see clearly. It turns out that she is kicking at the wrong part,she is kicking the wall instead. As the result, she broke her left leg. Luckily there is Sarah to cover up the truth about her broken leg to their parents. Sarah told their parents that Angeline broke her leg as she fell on the ground when they play the swing.But, the sad part was, Sarah was the one who got scold by their parents as she was accused for not taking a good care towards Angeline, her younger sister.

    Angeline step away from the door, getting ready to jostle/push the door roughly. (imagine like the  in the tv). Decided to use her left shoulder, Angeline run towards the door.

    Suddenly the door flung open, revealing a tall man. Angeline can't brake from her speed, causing her to stumble and hit the man's chest.

    Because of the hard landing place, Angeline dumped back. More painful part is that she fell on her right arm first.Her bleeding arm!

    Is it rock or what?!!!!!  .. Angeline mumbled herself and suddenly a pair of  muscular arm wrapped around her waist and lift her up to the air.

    Not so romantic when the man throw her on the sofa roughly. 

    "Ouch!!" Angeline screamed a little. The man and another man she guessed with aid-kit in his hand walk closer to her.

    The man who flung her to the air just now grab a chair and sit right in front of her.

    "Stay  still" The man said coldly as he grab her bleeding right arm and unwrap the bandage that is already change its color from white to deep red because of her blood.

    Angeline moves her eye to the man in his 50s, standing behind the man. The old man smiled at her slightly and point his index finger to his name tag. Angeline narrowed her eyes to focus more and read the name.


Angeline smile back as the old man looks so friendly towards her. Her eyes then moves back to the man who is treating her wound. Not even once, the man look at her. For a moment, Angeline admire his face.Without realizing, Angeline staring too much at him, making it too obvious.

   "What are you looking at?" Suddenly the man voice out and looking straight at her. Bringing Angeline back to reality.


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