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     "Are you sure you wanna go on a date like this?Don't you feel tired?" Angeline asked while linking her hand in David's. She got so worried when he asked her to go on a date but he didn't have a chance to change his clothes. Plus, he just got off from work. He knew that she want to spend her first date in amusement park but seeing David did not get any rest disturbed her mind. Feeling that she was being too selfish.

     "Let's just go home, you need some rest. I can't bear watching you holding your tiredness just because of me suggesting  for a date at the amusement park. " Angeline explained, expressing her worry.

    " I'm fine,Liny. I'm the boss by the way. There are nothing much i do in the office. Just signed here and there and done. Plus, i can get out whenever i want to. So , don't worry." David try to comfort her but Angeline still with her mountain of guilt inside of her heart.

    " I think, we better turn back. You need some rest. And i feels uneasy today. Let's just go home. We can save it till tomorrow,right?" Angeline begged while caressing David's shoulder. Begging him to just drive home. There's something off somewhere in her heart.

    " Nope, honey. We're here already. Let's go! Come on!" Without she realized, they already arrived at the amusement park. David open the door of her seat and gave her a welcoming hand like she is a princess arrive at her castle.

    " Wow!! i had never thought that there will be a huge amusement park in a building!!" Angeline said in amazed by what she is watching.

    " Welcome to the Lotte world!We got AC here too. HAHA" David said jokingly and pulled Angeline's hand . Together they entered the building with the ticket David bought.

    In there, Angeline acted like a kid got an ice-cream which amuse him a lot. They tried a lot games and mostly won it. David is indeed a champion. 

    " You're the best, Dave!" Angeline said while giving him two thumbs up with her little fingers. David got mad by her silliness and like a flash he grabbed both of Angeline's thumbs and bite it.(Not the rough one). Angeline quickly take her hand and caress her fingers. She gave him a sharp ogle and walked away leaving David behind.

    " Sorry,honey. You're too cute!!" David yelled slightly while trying to catch up with Angeline.

    The passed by a selfie box and decided to stop by. They create various poses and satisfied with it. The owner even gave them things to pose with. Angeline goes first with crown on her head. David is next, with a fake gun , acting like a bodyguard.

    " Make sure you pose well!!" Angeline ordered.
    " I'll make sure you melt." David said confidently and went to the selfie box.

    After a few pic, David finally step out from the selfie box and they excitedly waiting for their photos.
    A photo of David catch Angeline's attention.

    A photo of David catch Angeline's attention

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    "Wow!!! I'm gonna keep this one." Angeline said stunned with the cool David she ever saw.
    " I know i'm handsome." David said while fixing his hair.
    " You're so full of yourself,right?" Angeline said, mocking.
    "Let's go." David put on his black spectacle and wrap his hand around Angeline's shoulder. Trying to act like a cool boyfriend tho.
   Angeline just smile and chuckle at David's action. Feeling like she has a handsome bodyguard protecting her all the time.


    They walked passed a 'Ghost House'. Angeline got an idea.

    " You said you're the coolest boyfriend,right? Let's go to the 'Ghost House' game. Who screamed in the first place lost and  will have to treat the winner. Deal?" Angeline asked while forming a pinky promise.

   "Make sure you've got money with you(smirk) . It's dark in there. Hold tight to me okay?" David held Angeline's hand and walked closer to the entrance.

    " Welcome cute couple. Be the first one to enter  'Haunted House" The ticket keeper welcomed them nicely. 
    " We're the first one? There's no one else in there?" Angeline asked as she started to feel uneasy.
   " Scared?" David teased and tighten up his hold.
   " Don't worry, i'm here." David said and then both of them walk into the 'Ghost House'.

    Angeline take a glance at the ticket keeper and quickly followed David's step. 
  Does ticket keeper should have their phone while working? Angeline mumbled herself.


    "Sir, they're in." The man with worker attire talked to the phone.

    "Good. Sent one of your boys to me and prepared the van, now!" The person in the phone answered. No other than, Bernard.


    In the Ghost House, Angeline never let David's arm go

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    In the Ghost House, Angeline never let David's arm go. Those ghost cosplay wore thick realistic zombie make up and even dressed up in clothes full with blood. Angeline started to get dizzy. She just realized that she can't stand with blood. Blood phobia detected.

    Angeline's eyes started to get blurry and her steps getting weak. Before she fall, David managed to catch her body.

    " Are you o..." before he could finished his words, a strong slash hit the back of his head. Causing him to collapsed on Angeline's lap. Blood start to spread on her blouse, causing her to get more dizzy. Angeline try to looked up. There was a tall man, standing right in front of her, getting ready for another slash. She can't see it clearly as her eyes filled with tears as well. 

    Realizing that the man was aiming for David's head once again, Angeline hug David's head tightly. This time, Angeline's shoulder take the hit. It's too strong that made her unconscious and totally paralyzed. Another man showed up behind her and moved her away from David. She want to fight back but she found no more strength. She desperately holding the pain and crawl to get closer to David. But the man just now blocking her way.

     "Don't worry miss. I'm not the one who's gonna kill you." The man said and finished it by slapping Angeline's hard. 

   With that, her views goes black.

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