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    David's deep blue eyes staring straight into hers. Making Angeline feels panic and her heart start to pound in a high speed. His stare is  like 'you-want-to-die' look. Angeline gulp her saliva and somehow its feels bitter than before. Her eyes wander around to find a logic excuse.

     "NO! I'm not looking at you. It's just the flower behind you looks so beautiful. Light pink and white." Angeline stammer in her own words but still trying to insist on the verse.

     David looked up to Angeline with annoying eyes and steadily stood up and handed the bandage damped with Angeline's blood to Micheal who had been standing all the time since he came in. Without turning to Angeline, David just stepped out of the room with his hands in his pocket. Acting cool, maybe.

     Angeline take a deep breath,feeling so glad when David did not question her any further. However, Angeline began to feel a bit sloppy with David's arrogant attitude. 
'Can' he be just a little bit nicer?' Angeline mumbled herself while checking on her right arm. The bandage was neatly wrapped around her wound. Looks like he knew how to treat people. Is he a doctor or something? Angeline ask herself even more even though she know she won't found the answers to her questions. 

    Angeline look up and see Micheal who just threw a sweet smile and just about to excuse himself from the room. Before he did so, Angeline called his name politely, stopping him from stepping out from the room. There are a lot of questions lingering in her mind and the only one who have all the answers is Micheal.

    "I'm sorry but can i ask you something?" Angeline stand up from the soft sofa and walk closer to Micheal who is never tired of smiling. 
    "Sure young lady.My name is Micheal." He said while fixing his tie and put down the aid kit box on the table near them.
    "I'm Angeline. Actually, how did i get here? Where am i ? And who is the cocky man just now?" Angeline stop questioning when she saw Micheal making a weird expression on his face. Like there is something wrong on her face.

    " Don't you remember anything,young lady?" Micheal asked while lifting up his right eyebrow.
    "Sorry?" Angeline did the same.
    " You were at the amusement park when suddenly an anonymous shot several bullet and causing such a chaos. And it's look like he or she is targeting you you. My Sir was there and saw you being shot, so he brought you here." Micheal explained.

    " Targeting me? Why?" Angeline asked with her heart skip a beat. 


   Angeline spend her whole life sticking with Sarah who is her sister and her best friend. She did not have a lot of friend except Kyla, her work friend at the cafe. Nobody really want to make friends with her as she herself is a shy girl, mostly prefer to categorize her as a introvert, which is not fun to befriend with. So, the fact that she got enemy might can't be acceptable. But, who want she die? And Sarah? Is it the same person too?

But, why us?


 Angeline start to panic as she realized that she is  the next target of serial murder. 

    "I'm sorry because i can't find the answer for that. For now, just listen and obey to Sir, he knows better." Micheal finished his words and just halfway from the door, Angeline stop him again.

   " May i know your Sir's name?"
   " David. David William." With that, Micheal vanish behind the door. Leaving Angeline with incomplete answers to her questions.

    Angeline back to the sofa and staring into blank space. Same thing happened to her mind. Blank.


     I wander around the house as i'm getting bored walking back and forth in the same room. I walk along the hallway and found the living room, i guess. It is magnificently beautiful! With the size of the living room, i can no longer call it a house,it is a mansion!
 I walk around and found a crystal clear aquarium with a lot of species in there. While i was admiring the perfect treated habitat in the aquarium, the reflection of an old door came across my view. I look back and see a suspicious big brown door. It's a bit hidden by the way.

     To end my curiousity, i walk closer to the door and without thinking twice, i opened it. I know it's actually forbidden to just  barged into someone's room but i can't help it. Luckily , it's just a library filled with old books. But sometime i wonder, is it really a library? Why there is just one table? But of course the table is huge!. Maybe this room should be an office. But what kind of office that is filled with a lot of old books? Weird house.

    I walk closer to one of the shelf and a grab a book titled ' Cloudy Sun Flower'. The book is a bit different from the others. The book is the only one with bright colour, that is red.

    I opened the middle page when suddenly a postcard fall from it. I kneel down to pick it up when suddenly a hoarse voice stopping me from doing so.

    " What the hell are you doing here?" ...It's.........David.
    Quickly i stand on my feet and holds the tip of my shirt tightly. I lost my words.
  "I'm know....kind of......sorry.....but...." I don't know why but correct sentences can't come out from my brain. Maybe because i'm trying to lie. My brain stop working. Help!!


    Seeing Angeline can't give a reasonable excuse, David's blood went up to 10 degree hotter. It's such a rude attitude for him .Barging into someone's house without his permission will totally change him to a mad bull. But Angeline didn't.

    Not waiting for any seconds, David walk hurriedly to Angeline and grab her right arm. Angeline  groan in pain a little bit as David is squeezing her wound. Angeline try to stop him from doing so but his grip become strong than before. 

    " David, it's hurt. You're squeezing my wound." Angeline beg with stammer voice. David realized that and quickly let her arm go. But, Angeline's prediction of thinking that David will stop from scolding her is wrong. David grab her by the hand and pull her to his car. Angeline bite her lower lips as David trying to kick her out from the house.

   ' Oh no...I'm sorry...i didn't mean to....i'm sorry' 
Instead of voicing it out to David, Angeline just speak to herself. Looking at Davis unstoppable anger making her stomach shrink at it's smallest size ever. 

    David puts his hood on and drive the car out from the mansion's compound.

      " Look, i'm really sorry. I didn't meant to. I'll admit it is my mistake for wandering around your house without your permission and barge into your private library. I'm so sorry okay. Please don't take me to the police. I'm really regret it, please,,,Sir." Angeline begging non-stop. She is really afraid that the man named David in front of her right now will take her to the police station to filed a report towards her for interrupting someone's privacy. Maaaaannn, she don't want ended up in prison!!

 " Shut your mouth. I'm the one who should not bring you to my house. Such a troublesome." David take a glance at begging-Angeline and fixed his eyes back to the road.

   " I told you i'm sorry. I didn't meant to. I'm just trying to find you but your house is way  too big. I might get lost if kept wandering around your house. That's why i ended up coming into the room. I thought it's just a library." Angeline explained, trying to ease the situation for the better. Even though she has to lie. She must saves her life now!

   " Why find me?" David asked , eyes still locked on the road.
   " Well, to say thank you of course. For saving me at the amusement park and even treat my wound."
   "You remember?"
   "Why not?" Angeline asked in confused.
  " I thought you're a dumb" David answer without any guilt. 

   'Such a rude mouth. I take back my words about his handsomeness.' Angeline talk to herself while looking out of the window.

    "What you've just said?" CAUGHT!!!. David's sharp hearing ability heard her words.

    "Nothing! Just glad that you've saved me. Hehe" Angeline try to cover up the real situation by giving a not-so-sincere smile.  
 David ogle and let out a deep sigh

   The road looks so familiar to her. The car stopped and they start to unbuckle the seat belt.

   "Where are you taking me, actually?" Angeline asked while looking at David. Instead of answering her question, David freeze there with his eyes locked at the view behind her. Angeline wave her hand in front of him.
   "Sir David?" Angeline called out his name and success on bringing him back to reality. David look panic and suddenly point out his index finger to the back of her. Angeline turn around and witness the most shocking tragedy she ever faced.

    Angeline get off the car and quickly run to her house, which is on fire!!!!

   David quickly get off the car as well to chase Angeline who is running towards the burning house. He is afraid that she might ended up doing something stupid.

     There are a lot of people surrounding the house at a far distance and talking non-stop.

     "Call the fire brigade!!" David screamed to the irresponsible people who just kept staring and watching the burning house instead of calling the fire brigade. 

    Looking at Angeline trying to enter her house compound, David add his speed even more to catch up with Angeline. With those muscular legs of him, it would be no problem to chase and stop her right on time, moreover, Angeline is just a petite girl.

    And yes, he succeed. David hug Angeline from the back tightly as Angeline struggling to escape from his arm .

   " David!!!Let me go!!! there...please...." Angeline beg in stammer voice as she start to cry. All her memories with her sister is in the house. Witnessing her house on fire make her heart sunk into the deepest of Bermuda Triangle and broke into million pieces!

  " Angeline!!! You sister is gone!!" David whispered to her ear, trying to cal her down.

   " David, please...." With that, Angeline no longer able to stand on her feet as her whole body feels so weak. She cry there.........................................................

 20 minutes later, the fire brigade came, but her house is 80% completely burned.

 20 minutes later, the fire brigade came, but her house is 80% completely burned

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