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     Angeline was enjoying the beauty of the fountain in David's yard in the night when suddenly David shout her name from behind. Davis was acting weird nowadays. He was no longer the cold David that she knew. David now is more likely to be nice, kind, caring and romantic as well. There was one day when he offered her to ride his horse but she ended up messed with it. She almost break her collarbone if he didn't catch her from falling from the back of the horse. Since that day, she promised herself not to ride horses ever again. His caring and romantic attitude somehow had succeed on making her falling in love with him. Maybe his words was true. He will try his best until she say yes. And maybe she is ready.

     "What are you doing here? It's cold outside. Wear this." David said while wrapping the scarf around Angeline's neck.Angeline didn't have a chance to resist.
     "I'm fine. I'm enjoying the night stars.What about you? What are you doing here?" Angeline asked the same question.
    "To be with you of course." David said while slipping his hands into his pocket.
    Angeline blushed hard and quickly hide her face away. David noticed it and laugh.
    " You're so cute." David said and continue his laugh.

   "Excuse me." Angeline excused herself to go back home. She can't stand there with her face as red as tomato!
    " Wait!" David stopped her,blocking her way.

    " I want to show you something." David said and grab her hands.


     "Where are we?" Angeline kept asking for every 5 minute. David still didn't get his hands off from closing her eyes, which makes her confused and eager to know the surprise that he is planning.

    " Almost there. Tada!!!" David finally showed her their whereabouts.

    Angeline was so amazed by what she saw . It's a small tent but decorated with beautiful lights. She loves it very much!

    " There's gonna be aurora phenomena tonight. Wanna tag along?" David asked while patting the seat beside him. Without wasting any time, Angeline land her butt beside him. Watching the art at the sky in the night is indeed cherish her a lot. 

    20 minutes passed and finally their waiting paid off. The aurora was so beautiful that Angeline can't take her eyes off the sky. Without she realized, David was capturing some pictures of her using his smartphone. She didn't realized until the aurora phenomena ended.

    " It's so beautiful , Dave!" Angeline said in high tone voice. Showing how excited she is.
    " And i think you're more beautiful." David words somehow makes Angeline feels uneasy. Angeline turn her face to face David and saw him staring deeply into her eyes. Those beautiful deep blue eyes of him made her lost in her own thoughts.

     "Angeline, will you be my wife?" David asked while caressing her hands.
     " Can i.....can i say yes?" Angeline answered but sound like a question.
     Watching the confused Angeline tickled his heart, made him let out a chuckled.
     " Please said so." David said holding back his excitement.
     " Then i'll say yes!!" Angeline finally gave him a final answer. 

     I'm sorry,brother. But i got no other choice. I can't let you be fooled by those cunning family. I'm not gonna lose you anymore. Not anyone again.

     Harry switched off his phone and continue his jogging time. Watching a video of David and Angeline getting close to each other day by day make his planned a little bit difficult to be accomplished in cunning and quiet way. Instead, he had to use plan B. Which he needs the help from David himself to destroy the girl and soon the family will disappear completely from the surface of the earth!

     He jogged for 30 minutes and stopped for a while to catch his breath. Suddenly, his phone rand revealing the Bernard's name. He slide his phone to the green button and put his phone at his left ear. Harry is  left-handed.

     " What?" Harry asked short, still trying to pace his breathing.
     " I know their plan tomorrow. Harry, it's the beginning."

     Harry simply switched his phone again and continue his track.



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