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Sarah's P.O.V :

It was hard to see though. The pain in my head kept making me to narrowed my eyes.Don't have enough strength to open them properly. The pain was conquering my mind asking me not to move a single muscle. It's happened so quick. What i remembered was just father's panic face and my mother who's non-stop take a glance on me and Angeline who was sleeping soundly. Angeline was just seven years old.

"what is wrong mom?" i asked. Mom then take look back to the back sit where me and Angelina were sitting, hugging each other.
"I'm afraid that now is not the right time to explain it all to you. I'll tell you once we arrived to a safer place." she answered with a worried voice that me, a 16 years old girl still can notice.
"what do you mean by safer place? our house is haunted? i don't think so. Explain, mom..I'm getting scared.". I told her while hugging Angeline tightly.

"No matter what happen, i hope you can be the good girl and a good sister to your only sister. Can you promise that, Sarah?" .

It's took about five minutes our eyes met. Then, i looked to father whose eyes still focused on the road. Not even let his hand off my mom's hand. Father don't even say a word.
"Father,..can you.............."

Before i could finished my words, a car was heading towards us. In just a second, i felt a hard crash on my chest, i can't even open my eyes due to the bright light produced from the car that was heading the opposite to our car (i was meaning the other car that cause this accident).
My car was spinning,the glass broke and scattered all around me. The only things that i did that time was hugging my sister tightly who cried hysterically soon after waking up from her sleep.

Mom, what is happening? Where are you mom? dad?

As soon i wake up, i saw mom bleeding all over her face, and dad was never to be found. Angelina collapsed with a cut at her left hand.

But then, i saw,...... a black hooded figure out of the cracked window. I can't see the figure clearly. but i was determined, that it was a boy or a man.

The cracked window and a poor supply of light make it hard for me to see it properly.
Then, i saw he was taking something in his pocket. Feeling weak, i tried to run away with Angelina in my embrace using the opposite door. A soon i get out of the car, i fell on the ground. Then i saw, a woman in the car who had crushed my car,....same age as my mother i think,.....i think she died.........

Suddenly, i saw the figure again. He was standing right in front of me........with the lack of the energy i had in me....all i did was hugging my sister tightly. The man was heading toward us, until i saw mom opening the door, causing the creepy man to stumble back.

"MOM!!!!!!". I screamed.
"RUN SARAH!!!". that is the last words from was stabbed..........

Soon, i heard the sound of the police siren.....and the figure was nowhere to be seen...what was in front of me was my mom....dead....eyes opened....staring right to my face.


"MOM!!!!!" Sarah screamed out of the blue. Angelina who is sitting beside her in front of the television startled. "Sarah?!!! are you sleeping?"
Sarah soon realized that it was just a dream. She then, comfort herself on the sofa and focused her eyes on the tv. She forgot that she was watching Cinderella with Angelina that night.


Seeing Sarah acting cool after the hysteric screamed somehow annoyed me. Not even a sorry? Because of her, i can't focus properly on the movie because, looking so pale. Mad change to worry.

"What's wrong Sarah? Are you okay?" i asked.

" Nothing is wrong. I'm's just a nightmare." She answered not even looking at me.

" Nightmare about mom?" my question somehow shock Sarah a little bit.
" And why are you asking me that?" she asked with a worried eyes....i guess
"you screamed 'mom' just now. Is there something that you are keeping with me. Am i not knowing something here?"

Sarah don't give a single respond. She stand up straight and said sternly " I said nothing ,okay. There's nothing to deal with mom. Maybe......i just miss her.". She turned away her face and i heard sobbing noise. Sarah is crying.

You suck Angeline. Sarah is crying. What the hell are you asking about mom. Stupid!. You know that it is a sensitive issue to be discussed with. Sooner or later, she will explain everything,right? So be patient Angeline!


Sarah wiped away her tears and then sit back beside Angelina. Sarah collect all of her courage to tell a little bit of truth behind their parents dead.

Angeline is already nineteenth and soon will hit her twentieth. It's the right time and her right to know all of this.

Sarah : do you still remembered the reason why mom and dad die?
Angeline : its because of car accident right? correct me if i'm wrong cause i can't recall that moments clearly though. I don't know why.
Sarah : need you to strong...
Angeline : why so serious all of sudden?
Angeline answered with a giggle after seeing her sister unusual behavior that somehow she finds it funny. Sarah grabbed both of Angeline hands and also a sign for Angeline not to beat around the bush.

Sarah : and please, be matured as well.
Angeline : okay,..i'm sorry
Sarah : Mom and dad.......Angeline.. i wasn't a usual accident. It's arranged.
Angeline : and why is that? Sarah, is there something i dont know?
Angeline start breathing heavily....and there is tears as well in her eyes... Sarah has no more strength to hold her tears anymore. Sarah cried as much as she want.

Keeping all of these somehow unbearable for her. It's time to shared everything with her sister. She have the right too.

Angeline : Sarah, please tell me..what is wrong?
Sarah : there was a man.....on the scene ...(sobbing)........the man......
Angeline : wait...if i'm not wrong....there was no man at that time....its just us, you and..

Sarah cut her word

SaRah : Angeline! hear me out first. Mom was the man....
sarah burst into tears. Angeline was left mouth opened and her tears finally hit her rosy cheeks

Angeline : Sarah!...what are you blabbering about. Cut it's not funny
Sarah : is hard for me too...(sobbing)...and dad......wasn't dead.......he's missing....and same goes to the man...

Angeline : Sarah.......are you telling the truth?......tell me you're lying......(sobbing)

Sarah also can't produce any clear voice right now...It's also hard for her. keeping all these secret all by herself for 10 years.
Sarah hugged her sister. Those two cried all the way in the night...only the sound of the tv and sobbing can be heard......Accepting the truth is hard for both of them...but this is what we call....fate.

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