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     It's feels like her heart sank to the bottom of the deepest sea in the world. Seeing her sister lying soullessly on the floor was extremely unbearable for her. Like purple lightning, Angeline ran and pick up Sarah on her lap. Angeline hug her sister tightly and never want to let her go. She wish all of these was just a dream and she will wake up on her bed, smelling the sweetness of her sister's blueberry pancake. But all she can see right now is weak Sarah with blood everywhere, especially at her abdomen and some other bruises all over her body. It's looks like Sarah involved with fatal fight with someone who is much stronger than her, and it may be a man.

    "Sarah!! wake up, Sarah. Please don't leave me alone. I can't live without you...." Angeline said with sobbing voice trying to hold her tears. Sarah now is on her lap and Angeline never let a strand of Sarah's hair being untouched. Angeline really scared of losing her one and only spirit and the reason why she keep on with smiling face even though she had to go through some hard moments.
    Sarah is her protector, her best friend, her spirit, her everything and the most important thing, Sarah is her only one in her life. She has no one else. If Sarah gone for forever, she will be completely alone. Alone, facing the challenging world.

    Her world feels like falling apart vigorously.Angeline cry non-stop when Sarah still do not give any responds to her appeal. Once again, Angeline bring Sarah to her most loving embrace.Not wanting to let her go.

    "Ange....line....". To her surprise, she hear the voice that she wanted to hear the most!. Angeline break up the hug and looked at Sarah eyes tightly closed on her lap. After a while, a hint of smile appear on Sarah's face. Not much, just a small smile. Angeline cry even more and start asking Sarah questions.

    "Sarah.....what is this means. Who had done this to you....isk...isk....please, don't leave me. I can't live without you, i need you by my side..." Angeline said in a cracked voice. She can't except the sadness mountain inside of her, making it hard for her to utter a single word.
    "Angeline, be a good girl.....i don't...think.....i can..make it..." Sarah said with stutter. 

     Suddenly, Sarah hold her injured abdomen and trying to withstand the pain. Angeline want to grab her phone right away to call the ambulance but Sarah stop her from doing so.

    " You need a doctor now , Sarah" Angeline told her sister with obviously panic voice.
    "I need to tell you it's too...late.."Sarah said one by one as she don't have enough strength to say those words just with one breath.
    "It doesn't have to be late. You can tell me once we arrived at the hospital okay.Don't worry. I call them, now" Angeline stop her sister from continue with her nonsense, telling her that things are late. She will not accept the fact that Sarah is not fighting to keep herself alive. To be by her side all the time. Sarah that she knew would never give up easily. So, this time Angeline hope that Sarah will stay the same.

    You can't do this to me. Nothing is late. Nothing! Please....    

     Angeline grab her bag and search for her hand phone.

Where are you when i need you!!!. Angeline scold herself for not being able to find her phone quickly inside of her bags filled with other things. 

    While Angeline is busy finding her damn phone, Sarah slowly lift up her weak hand and try to grab Angeline to stop her for doing the useless effort. She believed that she don't have so much time, and Angeline should know something about their family. The biggest secret that had been kept tightly and carefully by Sarah all by herself. The secret may come in handy to explain to Angeline about what had happened to their family. Angeline deserves to know since Sarah is no longer be able to stand up for her mom anymore.

     Angeline do not know much about the past, and even forgot about some of the happiness once created in the family. It's not fair to just let Angeline faced the fact that she is just an orphan who can't feel or received the loves from parents. Angeline deserves to know more. But Sarah knew, it is all too late now. She can't wait for the time that she thinks will be suitable enough more, she need to tell her now. But, it is all up to God weather to give her the enough strength and time to tell Angeline everything.

     So, Sarah thinks about something that will make it simple. She lost a lot of blood and her face is completely pale.

    Where did i put that goddamn phone!

    Suddenly i felt a cold hand on my right arm. I turn over to Sarah and quickly pick her head and put it on my lap.

    "What's wrong, Sarah? you need something?" i asked her with the most worried face i ever had on my fast. My heart beat non-stop once i arrived at our house. The mess created around the house had confirmed that someone had attacked my sister! 

     I saw Sarah trying her hard to endure the pain. She still insists to tell me something. Something that i hoped would not be the last time i will hear her voice. Please, don't....

    "Liny, mom..used you by that," Sarah smiled and continue with her words.
     "Mom never....betrayed father,.....we are happy...please don't..blame anyone.."

     i hold Sarah more tightly, not because of the eagerness to know further about Sarah's words, but worry about Sarah who get more weak just in a nick of time. Sarah was losing a lot of blood and i can't concentrate about what she was telling me just know. All in my mind right now was her bleeding stomach. It's looked like she was stabbed.

    "Angeline!" Sarah called me with a slightly loud voice. Trying to get me back to reality and make me face her. Because of her effort to make her voice loud enough for me to hear, she had to endure the sharp pain even more. And it is getting worse!


    "" Sarah smiled and lift up her right hand and form a gesture to make a promise. 

    Angeline hesitated at first ,...scared that Sarah was really accepting the fate that she will no longer belong to the world, but to the other world...

    Sarah lift up her eyebrow slightly and tears started to form at the corner of her eyes. 
    "Please...."Sarah said with a low voice.

    Angeline agreed and soon accomplished the pinky promise that they had always do.All the time.
     With that, Sarah formed the brightest smile and Angeline did the same too. 

     Not longer after that, Sarah slowly closed her eyes and her hand fall from the grip of Angeline's.(their fingers were forming a promise just now, and it's all beak up)
    "Sarah? Open your eyes Sarah...." Angeline try to call her sister's responds.

    Angeline shake Sarah's body a little bit to wake her up but yet no respond given.

    Angeline checked her heartbeat,...........................and she heard not a single heartbeat anymore..

     Sarah has gone... forever,

    Angeline cry her heart out while hugging Sarah tightly. She screamed Sarah's name a few times but there is no use at all.

    She has to face the biggest lost in her life, after her parents. Sarah had peacefully follow her parents step. And now, Angeline was left all alone to survive.

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