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Angeline opened her eyes but still can't get up from the bed as her head feels so heavy. She hold her head and take a look around her. A quick memory passed through her mind. Remembering her that she is at David's house and remind herself to behave this time. Suddenly the door flung open, revealing Aunt Daisy with a tray of food in her hand.

Angeline and Aunt Daisy have a chit-chat together to bridge the gap between them. Aunt Daisy is such a nice lady and that is why Angeline can get along with her really quick.

" You know what, Liny. Your life story almost the same like David's. He also lost both of his parents in a tragic accident and his brother went missing until now. He tried his hard to find his brother at every hospital but no one have a record about his brother. But, i know. He never stop hoping. That is why he is lonely now. It's just me and Uncle Micheal who stayed beside him for all this while. Poor, David, he never taste what parents' love feels like." Aunt Daisy can't continue her words as she got a little bit emotional.

" May i know why is that?" Angeline asked, trying to know more about her life saver.

"I'm gonna tell you something but promise me you won't tell this to anybody." Aunt Daisy and Angeline form a pinky promise and Aunt Daisy continue her story.

" David's Dad is Mr.William and his mom is Madam Marie. They went for a vacation in Kelly's Valley as Mr William suggested. But he planned it not because of his family. But to find his first love who he found staying at the Kelly's Valley. One day, Madam Marie figured it out and they've got into a serious fight! From what i've heard , Mr William is looking for a woman named Laurraine? Laura?, Yes.. it's Laura, his first love which he fall in love deep with. Poor Madam Marie. Please don't tell this to anyone , Okay. Uncle Micheal told me to keep this as a secret but seems like you're in the same boat as David's, i thinks it's gonna be just fine."

" Laura??!!!" Angeline shocked! Her eyes got bigger and her hands tremble.
" Why, darling?" Aunt Daisy, panic as well.
" Laura is my mother's name."

Both of them went silent.

" No....there's a lot out there who've got the name . It's not just your mother." Aunt Daisy broke the silent with convincing words.


The dusk in the library makes she sneeze again. Angeline is helping Aunt Daisy to clean up the library that she once barged in. Feeling not comfortable to just laying in the room, Angeline decided to help Aunt Daisy with the household chores even though Aunt Daisy insist her not to do so.

"Are you okay there, darling?" Aunt Daisy asked from the other side of the shelf.
" I'm fine. It's just the dust." Angeline answered to swipe away Aunt Daisy's worries.

Angeline went back up to her duties. Suddenly she saw a postcard on the floor. The one that she dropped when she opened a book. Angeline pick it up and spun the card to see the front.

Her eyes grew bigger when she saw a photo of her mom with an unknown man. She positive that the man is not her father because he is different from the on that is in her necklace. Angeline went to Aunt Daisy to ask further for info.

And unfortunately, Aunt Daisy confirmed that the woman in the picture is Mr William first love.

Angeline saw David standing beside the pool. She wasn't sure to talk about it or not but her feet kept dragging her body to walk closer to David. And without her realization, she already there.
" Oh, Angeline! Feeling better now?" David stand on his feet when he realizes Angeline at his back.

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