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    Let bygones be bygones. That's what make both of Angeline and Sarah stronger and be able to stand up till now.  One year had passed and all the stories about mom and dad is sleeping soundly deep in their mind. Not wanting to wake 'it' up again. For them, it's no longer useful to cry over the spilled milk. Mom and dad had gone. So, both of them made up a promise to never bring up the old stories anymore.

     But still, deep inside of Angeline's heart, she desperately want to know further. But after seeing her sister got very sad and mental breakdown after the last time they talked about mom and dad, she never got the urge to ask her one more time. Plus, they had made a promise. 

     One fine year had passed just in a blink of an eye. Angeline got a job from a cafe. Waiting for the offer letter to further her study is like waiting for the stars to blow up. Tired of waiting for too long and the hope that slowly fade away, Angeline decided just to find a simple job to help Sarah. The monthly income came from the ice cream business at the amusement park are not enough to support their bills. Even Sarah had once not eaten a whole day because there is only enough money to buy food for Angeline. After knowing the reason behind all the drastic weight loss of her sister, Angeline got mad a little bit and force her sister to let her help her sometimes.

     "Could you please stop your acting? I'm 20 years old already. I know that i'm not highly educated but please, don't lie to me." Angeline said to her sister who is acting like she is busy preparing the ice cream stall at the corner of the amusement park.

     " What are you talking about Angeline? Just stop it and help me to sell these ice cream instead." Sarah replied without making an eye contact with Angeline.

     Angeline frowned, trying to swallow some of unnecessary madness inside of her.
Slowly, Angeline take a deep breath and gather up enough courage to speak up, heart to heart to her one and only sister.
     Sarah was about to step out from the stall when Angeline grab and hold her hand.
Angeline bring the thin fingers to her cheek and caress it with her cheek. Not wanting to cry, Sarah pretend not to see Angeline's face.

     " Please, Sarah. You're hurting me. Tell me,maybe i can help. Don't bother just about to take care of me. I'm old enough. Cry if you're sad. Laugh if just you're happy. Smile when you're sad absolutely torturing me. Share with me if you think it's unbearable. At least, let me help you with these. Don't give me your poker face anymore. Please Sarah. You are making me....................feel..........guilty."

     Hot water start to stream on her cheek. it's can't be bear anymore. Sarah still looked away and with silent voice, she speaks " Come on, Angeline. Don't make it hard for me. It's my responsible. It's my promise with mom to make you happy, ..not to.."

     "But i'm not happy at all. Seeing you like this will never make me happy Sarah. You 're wrong" Angeline cut Sarah from continuing her nonsense. Who ever gonna be happy seeing their beloved ones suffer because of fulfilling our need? not even a single person.

     Angeline bring her sister into her warm embrace. Like there is no more tomorrow. Both of them cry, once again. And Sarah let out all of her tears that had been mountain up inside of her. Angeline just there, hearing all the hardness faced by her sister.

      Making promises was easy, but it's hard to fulfill all of it. 

     Angeline run as fast as she can. The bus was never arrived right on time. Now Angeline needs to use her leg's strength to run. Again.

     It's 8 'o'clock. She arrived right on time and quickly hit her punch card at the counter. Angeline let out a relief sigh. Whatever it is, she escaped from the moron guy (her boss). 

     "Finally. Such a relief . Phuh!!" Angeline stand there to catch her breath.
"Stupid, if i was you , i will not come to work anymore. It's great you make it fast, cause boss will arrived sooner or later. " Kyla said. Kyla is her new found friend but had officially be a best friend. Kyla positive attitude cheer her up almost everyday! That's why she loves to be beside her all the time. Stress at work will all settle once Kyla make a joke. More specifically, lame jokes.

     Kyla take up the try and give it to Angeline.
" Work?" Angeline asked dumbly.
" Of course! Go to the table 7. He ordered the green tea just now."
" There is already a customer early in the morning? Looks like our cafe is famous now."
" Just shut up and send the drink"

     Angeline carefully placed the hot green tea on the tray and lift it up to the shoulder length.
There is only one customer, wearing all in black with a cap hiding his face.

      'Weird'. The first word came to her mind.

 " Here your order". Angeline placed the green tea teapot. Angeline take a glimpse to see his face, but still it's hard to see because the man just look down on his phone. Angeline lift up her eye brow and let out a silent sigh. While she want to walk away, she can saw the man's phone. It was a picture of his sister. Angeline stop walking suddenly and turn to the man.

     " Sorry sir, but perhaps can you show the picture of the just now?" Angeline asked with her puppy eyes. She was born with it though.
     Suddenly, the man stand up aggressively and stare right into her eyes.
     " Where's your manner?" The asked with a sharp voice (manly voice instead)
     " I'm so sorry sir, but i think it is the picture of my sister. Perhaps do you know her?. Or do we know you ?" Angeline asked, still in the polite manner. But she insist to make confirmation and to find the reason why.

     The man just smirk and walk closely to Angeline. Angeline took a step back, not wanting to take any risk of injury. It's unpredictable though. The man is weird.
     To match the height with Angeline, the man lowered his body a little bit. " You've got you answer sooner." And with that, he leaves the cafe. Leaving Angeline dumbfounded.

     Angeline start to worry about her sister. She is very sure that the picture was Sarah. Wearing the blue dress that she bought for her. And what makes it more familiar is because the surrounding is her ice cream stall.

     Who are you?

     Suddenly, the memories about the accident came into her mind. Angeline felt dizzy when she want to recall the moment back. She hold her head tightly and ruffle up her hair. What she can see is just, a boy, a sunflower, a house and the sound of car crash and the boy was there, in the black car with her unconscious mom.

    Soon, everything went black.

     Who the hell are you?

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