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    The last group of people leave the graveyard. Leaving Angeline all alone there beside her sister's grave. The rain start to pour heavily again like the endless tears that running on her rosy cheeks. Her legs start to weak up again, making her kneel down beside her sister. She hug the tombstone tightly. She can't believe that the name of her loved ones now written on the tombstone. The last family that she has. Now she has to live on her own. All alone.

    With just the light help from her hooded clothes to cover her from the rain, Angeline still not move a single inch by Sarah. She refused to leave the grave yard yet even though the mad storm seems like forcing her to leave. Suddenly, she noticed a black shadow covering her. With just a gasp of  energy left in her body, she looked up to see who it was. But with blurry eyes of hers, she just can see a mask hooded man with black umbrella helping her from the rain. She can't recognized the face as her eyes covers a lot from the hurtful rain water. But all that she familiar with is the watch that the man is wearing. Its belong to the man at the cafe before. She thought.

      After the quick glance, Angeline's view goes black. She feels to weak even just to breath and just let her body lay on the ground. But a pair of hands grab her body, preventing her from kissing the ground.


    David stand behind a tree with umbrella far away watching  the girl who is mourning over her sister's death. He's been there since the last group of people leave her all alone there.

   Looks like you're facing a karma. David mumbled himself and smirk.

     Noticing that the rain won't stop from raining madly, David look back to Angeline and stop his step towards his car. What he is witnessing is more heart-aching view. Angeline was hugging her sister's tombstone tightly and cry nonstop. Even though the rain sound is too loud, David 's sharp hearing ability still can hear Angeline's voice calling her sister weakly. 

    'Stupid girl, you should bring yourself an umbrella.'

David fix up his mask and his hood and walk towards Angeline. David hand over the umbrella lazily. David take a glance at Angeline and however their eyes met. David moved away his head. Suddenly, he see Angeline's body slowly facing the ground. More shockingly, her body is about to kiss the hard ground.

Not knowing why, his reflex reaction makes him catch the weak petite body. Angeline's face somehow face him. Angeline's white pale face caused a quick lightning of mercy deep inside of David's heart. But ego more powerful cover it all. 

    But still, the soft part inside of him play a role. His mind start to doubt the revenge that he build inside of him. Seeing Angeline already facing the same thing as he did, his mind kept telling him that ,....this should stop.

    It was a long silenced until David pick up Angeline in bridal style to his car. Leaving the umbrella covering Sarah's tombstone. In the deep rain, Angeline open her eyes a little bit and saw the man, but still not so clear. Then, she went back to her deep sleep.

    David drive straight away to the hospital and leaves Angeline under the care of the hospital.
With that, he walked away to the parking lot and get inside of his car.

   He bang hard on the steering wheel! Realizing that he just help the daughter of his parents murderer. His ego start to conquer his mind again, trapping the soft part of his heart once again. David somehow acted like the one who faced split identity. The real David used to be the one that is very caring, but since he just lost all of his loved ones, revenge,hate,ego and introversion conquer all.

    David ruffled his head and then drive away to his home. Specifically to his gym at home. The usual place that he always let go of his anger.


   Angeline can't open her eyes properly as there is a bright light in front of her. And more surprisingly there is a woman figure walking towards her.

    "Sarah??!" Angeline called out the name as the figure is very familiar with her. But something strange happened. There are two more people walking behind Sarah, a man and a woman.
   Soon, the 3 figure getting closer to her and the view getting more clear. She saw Sarah clearly but two man and woman behind her are remain unknown for her.

   " Liny, how are you?" Sarah asked with a tint of smile at her face.

   "Sarah, where have you been/ Why did you leave me all alone. You know already right i can't leave without you!" Angeline try to grab Sarah's hand. But, she can't. Sarah's body can't be touched. Its like Sarah just a shadow.

    Angeline burst out into tears as she can't hold the person that she loved.

    "Liny, we are sorry." The woman behind Sarah start to speak up.

 Liny?? i used to hear that before. But when?where? and who is this old lady?. Angeline try to recall back in time. And finally, a flash of memory came through her mind.

    "Mom? is it you , Mom?" Angeline's voice can't be hear clearly as her tears more to play the role. She can't utter the words properly but she know, both man and woman behind Sarah's back is her...........................parents. The memory that she lost years ago.

   " Love to hear that. I love you my princess". Her Dad voice out. 

    Now Angeline have heard the voice of her family. The completed one.

    Suddenly Sarah and her parents start to walk away and soon faded away. Angeline screamed out for their name but there are not a single reply. 


    Angeline woke up from her deep sleep and found herself facing a white ceiling. She looks to her side and say wires here and there. Looks like i'm in a hospital. Angeline claimed.

    A minute or two later, a lady in a nurse attire came in. While the nurse is checking her health improvement, Angeline uses this chance to ask some questions.

    "Excuse me, miss. Can i know who brought me here?" Angeline ask in a very polite voice as the nurse seems like much more older than her.

    " Owh? i'm surprised that you don't know. He said he is your friend." the nurse said with a curious face.
    "Ops, sorry. my busybody attitude will never go away." The nurse apologized.
    "He?" Angeline asked with frowned eyebrow.
    " Yeah. He. Obviously its a man young lady. You're so luck that the tough man bring you here quickly. Otherwise The Death has already pick you up." The nurse said.
    " What???!!!!" Angeline ask in shock.
    " Sorry, just kidding. He told us that you collapsed at the grave yard and it seems like your body not consuming enough energy, and that is why your immunity start to decreased as well." The nurse explain and the walked away with a sweet smile to Angeline.

    Angeline still sitting there puzzled. Who's man? I don't have male friend?. Angeline mumbled to herself.

    Soon , she remembered again. The man at the grave yard. And, the watch.

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