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    Angeline woke up after a sudden jump move shaking her body

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    Angeline woke up after a sudden jump move shaking her body. She did opened her eyes but she saw nothing. Her eyes was covered with black cloth and if felt like she was in a car. Realizing that, she quickly moved her body as much as possible and screamed for help . But it's useless as the were two men holding her tight to one place. Angeline burst into tears as David came into her mind.

    " What did you do to David? Where is he? Please don't hurt him.Let us go! What do you want?" Angeline asked, urging her courage as much as possible.
    "Wow wow, slow down young lady. David's is fine with us. You should worry about yourself. You should never date with him. It's like suicide tho. HAHAHA!!" The kidnapper finished his words by laughing evilly. The others joined him. Laughing out loud.

    "You call the police, David die!" The man shouted and pushed Angeline out of the car. A she can't see anything, she fell down to the hard ground and hurt her knee. The pain in her shoulder start to occur.
   Angeline can heard the car drove away, leaving her at the unknown place. Angeline knew that she is on the road as she can smell the tar. She tried to open the cloth that is closing her eyes with her tied hands. She succeed and her hair are all messed up. She looked around and spot a gas station nearby. Luckily, her legs were not tied. She ran as fast as she can even though she was limping to the gas station and search for some help.

    She arrived there and called for the workers.
   " Please call the...." Angeline stopped her words as the kidnapper's warning came to her mind. David could be killed!!

   " How can i help you miss? Are you okay? What happened to you?" The worker asked while another one help her to untie her hands.

   " Can i borrow your phone?." Angeline ended up calling Uncle Micheal.



    She saw David tied up to a chair facing right to her

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    She saw David tied up to a chair facing right to her. She can't help but to cry as she was also tied. All around her was totally nothing and dark. She can see David as there was a bulb above him.

    Suddenly, a man appeared behind David and gave her a devil smirk. David looks so weak that he didn't notice there was a man behind her.

   The man with the gun point it to David.
   " Say goodbye."

 "NOOO!!!" The gun shooted

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Angeline screamed and realized that it's just a nightmare.Again.

    Without a knock, Aunt Daisy made a dash for the door and quickly ran to Angeline, who is hugging her knee tight. 

   It's been a month since the incident happened. And it's been a month they can't tracked David's location. Angeline kept having nightmares in her sleep. Mostly about David.

    "Another nightmare,darling?" Aunt Daisy asked while pulled Angeline to her hug.Caressing her head gently. Angeline sobbed before she can talk.

   " It's David......he...the man with gun...he...." Angeline can't continue her words as she can't control her tears. All she can do right now is just cry. Crying her heart out with the storm outside of the house being the background music.


    Angeline went to the living room and staring to the rain out of the window. She had no more tears to spill. Her fear of putting David in danger is real.Now, she believed that this is happening also because of her. It's the same criminal, aiming to see her tombstone.

   Uncle Micheal showed up with a cup of hot tea and landed his butt in front of Angeline on the sofa.

   Uncle Micheal showed up with a cup of hot tea and landed his butt in front of Angeline on the sofa

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    "Feeling better now?" Uncle Micheal asked with a comforting question.
    "A bit." answered with just two words.
   "Actually, i need to ask something for you. And with your help, maybe we can trace where is David now." Uncle Micheal explained, linking his fingers together.
    " I really wish i can give you the kidnapper's physical features but.....but i can't....he wear black mask...and it's really dark in there....." She burst out to tears again. Blaming herself for can't giving help to save David.

    " It's okay, if you remember anything, please tell me quickly okay? Calm yourself." Uncle Micheal patted her back and walked away.

    "Uncle!" Uncle Micheal was already halfway to his office but stop progressing as Angeline called.

   " I do remember something but.....i'm not sure whether it's helpful or..not.." Angeline said. 

   Micheal made his way back to his seat in front of Angeline again.
    " What is it?" he asked curiously.
    "The man is left-handed. I saw him hitting David's head with baseball stick on his left hand. That's why i thought, he is left-handed. He even slapped me with his left hand." Angeline explained with the hope that it will be useful.

    "Oh, dear. Angeline, follow me." Uncle Micheal ordered and headed straight to his office.
    Not knowing why, Angeline just obey and follow him.

     Angeline was very shocked when Uncle Micheal spun his bookshelf, revealing a secret entrance. Uncle Micheal didn't spoke much but just head straight to his secret entrance.

    " He built it for me.For my job." Micheal said when he found Angeline was totally shocked by what she had witnessed. Worry that Angeline would think he build it without David's permission, he explained the reason.

   Startled by Uncle Micheal's voice, Angeline continued to follow Uncle Micheal.

    "You've heard the voice of the kidnapper,right?" Uncle Micheal asked with serious face. 
    Angeline nodded

     "Take a listen of this." Uncle Micheal said as he handover the headphone to Angeline and began playing the audio.

    Angeline take a listen of it and her eyes grew bigger.

    "It's his!!It's the kidnapper!! How did you got it?" Angeline asked desperately, hoping that the criminal will be detected.

     Uncle Micheal lost his strength, causing his knee to be weak. It can't support his standing position anymore. Angeline quickly grab Uncle Micheal's arm and bring him to the sofa near them.

    "What's wrong, Uncle? We've got the criminal,right?" 

    "It's Harry. His own brother."

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