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        Two weeks passed and Angeline had been living under the same roof with Kyla at the rooftop house. She resigned from her job as a waitress. Kyla said it was the best decision because Angeline kept crying at the Cafe. Every time she step into the cafe, it reminds her of the night when Sarah called her, telling her to go home, but she didn't. Angeline felt very guilty every time the memories greet her. That's why she drop from the job. 

     As her best friend, Kyla never said that Angeline is a burden for her, instead she was happy because food will already served when she came back home. Kyla also looking forward to see Angeline smile again,laugh again and jokes around like she always did before. She did stop crying but she always feeling blue. Angeline spent most of her time staring at Sarah's necklace that she wore and stare outside of the window . No one knows what's in her mind.

    It's Saturday morning nut the weather was a bit cloudy outside. Looks like it's going to rain sooner. Kyla grab a cup of coffee to kick start her morning. The living room is not far from the kitchen (it's just a small rooftop house),Kyla saw Angeline staring outside of the window while holding the locket of her necklace tightly in her always... Can't bear to watch her best friend like this, Kyla thought it is the best time to have a deep-talk with her. Angeline must try to move on with her life, she deserve to feel happy too.

    Kyla made two cup of coffee and walk to Angeline in the living room.

     " Angeline, are you, okay?" Kyla asked the first common question, and she can predict what is Angeline's answer gonna be. 'I'm okay'.
    "I'm okay." BINGO!. Kyla was right.
    " Don't lie to me. Even though i know you not more than a year, i know that you're not okay." Kyla insist.
    "I'm fine. It's just..i.."
    "Missing Sarah?" Kyla cut her words. Angeline went silent.
   "I'm right,right?" Kyla stare into Angeline's eyes. With that, Angeline can't lie anymore. She is not good with lying. and Kyla knew it.

     " Sarah was the love of my life,and always will be. But these days without her have been the hardest of my entire life. I've been living with her all of these years,depending on her as my spirit. But, she leave me all of sudden, and the more heart-breaking is that the way she die in my arm,on my lap. I just can't erase it from my mind." Angeline burst into tears and slammed her face to Kyla's shoulder as Kyla had pulled her into a hug. There, she cry as much as she want.

     " I know...i understand...But i'm sure if you spent another day missing your sister, she would be so disappointed towards you. I can tell that Sarah would always want you to be happy for the rest of your life, as she really work for it, right? She would want you to move on as much as  you would want her to move on if the roles were reversed. Your happiness is hers too. Don't you wanna make Sarah rest in peace?" Kyla try to comfort Angeline with her sentimental words while caressing her head gently,like mothers will do.

    " But,....half of my soul already dead with her........can i be like the...old Angeline again? Because i think i......i can't...." Angeline sobbed in her words.
    "No, you're not!. You're gonna be like the Angeline that i know. You are Angeline.Not half- Angeline." Kyla tried to create a joke. And yet she succeed. Angeline smiled. Even though it's just a bit.

    Not satisfied with the small smile, Kyla  pinch both of Angeline's cheeks and pulled it to side, creating the widest smile of Angeline.
    "This is the smile that i want, not just like this." Kyla said and reacting the way Angeline smiled before.

    Angeline put away Kyla's hands and gave her the widest smile that she wanted.

   "That is what i want!" Kyla said happily.


     Kyla stomach sound like a concert.
    " Angeline, I'm hungry. Let's eat breakfast!" Kyla said, acting like a child.
    "Auuww my cute Kyla.. what do you want for breakfast?" Angeline ruffled Kyla's bang as she found her cheerful attitude was very cute.
    "How about Omurice?" Kyla suggested.
    "Omurice? What is that?" Angeline asked, confused. 
    "You know, it's in the Korean drama that we watched yesterday. I even dreamed of it.It's looks so delicious." Kyla said childishly while caressing her empty stomach.
     " Oh that food!! Okay i can make it but i need to go to the store. We don't have eggs." Angeline stood up and heading to the main door.
    "Is it okay for you? It's raining tho." Kyla said as she start to feel guilt for asking Angeline to cook and even buy some groceries.
    "It's fine. I'm gonna use your raincoat by the way. " Angeline said and waved her friend goodbye before stepping outside from the house.

     The traffic light shined red as a sign for all the cars to stop and it's time for the pedestrians to pass by. Angeline hug the groceries bag tightly to prevent it wet from the rain. As she ran, she bumped to a man. Angeline bowed a few times and apologized quickly as the rain poured heavily. She can't looked up to see the man's face because of the rain and then decided to just walked away.

    Kyla must be hungry. Angeline thought.

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