Chapter Nine

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"Of course you'll see them again. 1 hour here in the Kingdom of the Mermaids is equivalent to one day up there, in the land." Then I pointed upwards, just like pointing heaven.

"How many hours I've been here?" Heather asked.
"About 6."
"What?! So my parents have been looking for me for six days?! I'm sorry but I really need to go." She stood up and swam away as fast as she could.

When she got out of the restaurant, she swam upwards.
I chased her but she's too far. I didn't give up chasing her and I called out her name.

"Heatheerrrr! Come backkk!" I suddenly remembered about our.most absolute law: Not to be seen by humans.

She stopped swimming and she turned to me.

"Yes?" She said while panting. I ordered her to come back and I told her about our law. She didn't even care about the law. What she cared about the most, is her family.

I tried my best for her to come back but she won't listen to me.
"Ugh, I give up. You're just letting yourself die, though." Then I turned to leave her behind.

"Me? Letting myself die? I won't do that. And how am I letting mydelf die?" She asked me.
"You're heading to the opened area. That's where the great white sharks live. It's your choice to die or not." Then I turned again, heading to the restaurant.

Then someone held my wrist. I knew it was Heather, then she whispered to my ear.
"Okay, I'll stay if you're always with me."
"Really, huh?" I said, raising one eyebrow.

"Of course. But what if, I got lost and I don't know what to do?" She said and she swam towards me.
"You'll never get lost. I'll always be on your side." She crossed her arms.

"You promise, Blake?" Aww, that puppy eyes. Stop it, Heather. You look too cute.
"I promise. Now, wherever I go, there you'll be. Is that clear?" Then she swam fast heading to the restaurant. She didn't even wait for me.

Is she that hungry?
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