Chapter Twenty Nine

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"I don't want you to get hurt, Heather." He kissed my cheek and swam away. There's no time for love or anything else.

I let out the demon in me and started fighting. The Queen, King and Blake watched as I fought.

-Blake's P.O.V.-

I saw Heather as she fought for our Kingdom. She doesn't want me to go there and risk my life too. 

Her eyes were glowing red her face is so serious about everything. She was stronger than me, than any of our soldiers. She was terrifying.

I didn't know she could turn into like this if she's mad. It's like a volcano errupted inside her. As soon as she ran out of spear, she started throwing knives. As soon as the fifth shark was dead, she gritted her teeth and screamed in anger.

The last shark opened its jaws and started swimming towards Heather.

"If I die, so be it!" She screamed. Heather sliced the shark through its throat down to its guts. 

She was blazing in fire because of anger.

"What? No! My babies!" Then we saw Glimmer looking at her sharks. It took years before those sharks were fully grown and strong enough to fight for her. Those dead sharks were a part of Glimmer. So if one dies, a part of Glimmer dies too.

"You! You killed them! And now, I am going to kill you." Glimmer said slowly.

"Oh, are you? Then go for it if you can." Before the elctricity can come out of Glimmer's hands, Heather already threw a dagger to her chest. The next thing we knew, she was choking.

"I knew you'd come back for me." Heather said while looking at Glimmer. She was bleeding in pain.

"Thanks to daddy, he taught me how to use this." She struck an arrow straight to Glimmer's heart.

"I-it hurts." Glimmer stammered.

"I know. It's just your heart withering away." Then the sea witch faded out and the currents took his dark soul away from this Kingdom.

After two days, the Queen awarded Heather for saving our Kingdom.

"As a hero of our Kingdom, you get a reward from me." My mom smiled.

"What reward?" She asked.

"A wish from me. Any wish." 

"I wish to go home and see my family again. I want to be with them until I die." My jaw almost dropped.

"What? I thought you want to be with me. You said you are happy down here. What about your bullies up there on land? You know I wouldn't make you cry like they do." I said to her.

'I am so sorry, Blake. My family needs me too, not just you. And maybe today, they are dying just to find me. And I couldn't leave without them." I whispered.

"Mom! Do something and make her stay!" I yelled.

"I can't, Blake. It is what she desires. I should grant her wish." My mom said slowly.

"But you are the Queen! You have the power to do anything!" 

"You know the law, son. Now say your goodbyes because she'll be leaving soon." My tears started to run down my cheeks.

"Heather, please stay. I've been here beside you and all you want to do in the end is leave me? That's unfair." I begged.

"I know it's unfair, Blake. But don't worry. I will visit the ocean everyday so you get to see me. Okay?" 

"Okay. I understand. But remember, it is hard to let go of someone you really love." We hugged each other and went outside.

"Your highness, I've decided already. All I want is to be back from our house." Heather said.

"Okay, if you say so." My mom gave her a flask with a red liquid inside it and Heather drank it all up.

"Goodbye Blake." Her voice echoed through the room and in just a blink, she was gone already.


-Heather's P.O.V.-

"Oh Heather. It felt like years! When will you come back?" I heard mom crying.

So I sneaked downstairs and I saw them. All of them. They were all gathered up in our kitchen table. 

Jane, my bestfriend, I saw her crying too. Then Anthony and Sean. Then my mom and dad.

"I'm right here, mom." I smiled. She ran to me and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Where have you been?" My mom asked while still crying.

"i went to a magical place where mermaids exist." She just laughed a ng kissed my forehead.

"Don't cry, mom. It's over. I'm here already." I smiled.

She nodded and there came my friends. Jane, Anthony and Sean.

"You scared us. We thought you're not coming back." Jane said and I wiped her tears away. I hugged her so tight. I missed the smell of her hair, I missed the way how I look at her, how I touch her.

"Don't you dare leave us again like that, Heather." Sean said.

"I missed you too." He chuckled and kissed my forehead.



The end. :3 Please vote, comment or share. (^.^) Thanks y'all! xx

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