Chapter 5 : Welcome!

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Lisa's Pov

Minho called me to meet him outside my house.

"What did you called me for?" I asked him.

"I am here to ask you something" he stated.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Can you, resign from your work?" He asked and I widened my eyes.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"Then how will I live? If I won't work, then I have nothing to eat" I said and he held my arms.

"I, I will be the one to take care of you" he said.

"What do you mean?"

"Stay with us. At my house" he said and let go of me.

"How about your sons? How will they react?" I asked, I may forgive them, but who knows, they still think of me that way.

"I already talked to them and they said it's okay. As long as we..." Minho trailed off.

"As long as we?" I asked.

"As long as we don't stay in the same room" he continued and I flushed in embarrassment.

"So, do you agree?" He asked, unsure.

"I don't know"

"Don't worry. I'll take care of you" he said and kissed my forehead.


We already arrived at his mansion, and all I feel is, nervousness. What if they really didn't want me here? What of they just agreed because of their father?

"Let's go?" Minho asked and entwined my hands with his.

We walked towards the door and he opened it. The house is quiet, very quiet.

"Looks like they're at work" Minho said and called one of his servants.

"Lead her to her room" he ordered and the servant signaled me to follow her.

She led me to the room, which is from the east wing and at the end of the hallway. The house is so big, if it's only just me in this house, for sure I'll get lost. After she opened the door, she left after bowing. I slumped myself at the bed.

"It's so comfy, but still so quiet" I looked at the time.


I heard a knock on the door, it must be my luggages. I opened it, and my things are already piled beside the door. I picked them up and arranged my clothes at the closet, my other things at drawer and my important necessities at the bedside drawer. I yawn, feeling bored. I was thinking of something to do, until I decided to take a little walk. Upon walking, I bumped into Hoseok.

"Oh, Lisa! You already arrived!" He greeted and took of his jacket.

"Hi, Hoseok. How about you? Just came from work?" I asked and he nodded.

Hoseok's Pov

I took Lisa to the garden and she looks amazed. I just chuckled at her cuteness as she ran to the roses and played with it. Dad is so lucky, cause he found a wonderful girl like Lisa.

"Wow! Hoseok, look! A butterfly" she exclaimed and pointed at the butterfly that's standing at the rose bud.

I just smiled as she was trying to grab the butterfly but failed. She pouted as she looked at me, like a kid who lost her favorite toy.

"The butterfly doesn't like me" she whined and stomped her feet.

"It's okay Lisa, we can still search for another one" I said ad she smiled and linked her arms with mine.

"You know what Hoseok? I'm so happy that you're the one who accepts me first. Because I instantly found a friend, other than Nanay of course" she said and we walked together.

"You're really like your father, Hoseok. You both are funny, caring and also handsome. If I have a child, I want him to be like you" she said and leaned her head to my shoulder.

I just smiled while she's talking, Dad's right, she's so talkative. I immediately thought of my mother, where is she now? If she was here, she should've been with me like what Lisa's doing. She should've been by my side while we're watching flowers together, but no. She left, with another man.

"Hoseok are you okay? You're crying" Lisa said and wiped my tear.

I hugged her, wanting to feel a hug of a mother because I know one day, she will be. But instead of a mother's hug, I felt different. She's so warm, I don't feel like letting her go. She pat my back as we rocked back and forth.

I felt guilty all of a sudden, those apologies, those smiles they gave her, were all fake. They just smiled at her because of Dad, we lost our mothers and we don't want to loose our father. So they planned that they'll be nice to her whenever Nana or Dad is around, if they're not, they will give her a cold shoulder just like what they did on the first day.

"It's okay, Hoseok. I'll always be by your side" she said and we let go.

"Thank you Lisa" I said and she pat my head.

"I feel like I have an instant son in you" she joke and we laughed.

"Let's go inside? It's almost lunch, and probably the others are back from work" I said and we headed to the back door of the kitchen.

Lisa's Pov

Hoseok and I headed back to the house and I could smell someone cooking from the kitchen. We arrived at the kitchen and saw Nana with Jin.

"Hyung! You're already here!" Hoseok exclaimed and went to the kitchen counter where Jin was.

"Of course, Dad asked me a favor to cook for Lisa" Jin said and smiled at me. I guess we're in good terms now.

"Really? Are you going to cook my favorite food?" Hoseok asked while doing aegyo.

"No. I'm cooking Dad's. So don't get your hopes up" Jin spat and rolled his eyes while Hoseok just pouted.

Nana and I just laughed at the sibling while they kept on bickering. Later on, we heard a car stopped in front of the entrance.

"It must be the others" Jin said and the door opened revealing three boys with messy hair and two boys with frustrated faces.

"Had another fight?" Hoseok asked and Suga nodded.

"This kids never learn" Namjoon said and he shook his head frustratingly.

"Oh? Lisa you're already here, I thought you'll arrived later in the afternoon" Taehyung asked and seated at the counter.

"Taehyung! I told you not to sit at the counter. This kid!" Nana yelled and hit Taehyung with a ladle.

"Ouch! Nana that hurts!" Taehyung whined and massaged his arm where Nana hit.

"Where's my chocolate?" Jungkook asked as he rummage through the refrigerator.

No one talked, until we heard Jimin gulping.

"Jimin hyung!!!"

"Jungkook sorry!"

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