A Best Friends Love

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I go by Bel, I'm a senior at McClinton high school, and I'm 18 years old. I am the second youngest of 5 children. My life hasn't exactly been great, my parents weren't what you would call good role models. They were both on drugs, choosing the streets over their children.

The only the good thing in the my life are my brother's and sister's, and my best friend Gabriella. She is practically like my sister, My bestie has been there for me throughout the nights of constant BS and sleepless nights.

I find myself over Gabriella's house most of the time, her mom and dad are practically like my parents. Being around them I didn't have to worry about the door being kicked down, because my father had robbed the wrong nigga in the streets.

My education is the only thing I have that will get me away, away from a place some may call the hood. To top off all of the things in my life I'm what you would call the shy quiet fat girl. Now before you go on about how this may seem like another fat girl sob story.. let me enlighten you that even though I am a big girl, I refuse to feed into the drama.

I'm quick to put someone in their place if I need to, I don't believe in wasting my time by acknowledging every ignorant thing people may say.



I am also a senior at McClinton high school. I am 18 years old and the youngest of 4 girls. I live with both of my parents who have been married for over 16 years. I won't say my life is good or bad it's kind of in the middle.

I'm what you would consider a plus size girl and I love myself for who I am. What other people think of me doesn't affect who I am. I know that I am a genuine, smart, beautiful girl.

My dad was diagnosed with heart disease a few years ago, the news came down on me like a ton of bricks. Being only 7 or 8 years old being told your father has to have heart surgery in order to live, you start to think the worst.

I remember going to school constantly worrying, growing up I was a daddy's girl but I still stayed up under my mom. I didn't know if he would come out of the surgery or not and it was honestly a scary experience.

Not long after being diagnosed, my dad could no longer work. Leaving my mom to be the primary source of income. Times got hard, and soon arguments started, all because of constant stress due to the past due bills and not being able to become financially stable.

Leaving me wondering what I could do as a child to make all the problems go away. Over the years I met my best friend Bella, we have been through thick and thin together.

I've been there for her during the struggle with her parents. And she has been here for me throughout the problems I have had in my own home, and when I lost my uncle who was like a brother to me.

The sleepless nights asking God why he took him from me, being angry at the world about something I couldn't change no matter how hard I tried. Bella has been there to listen to me ramble about the problems in my life not once judging me.

No matter the issue we have stuck by each others side. Keeping each others secrets, listening to one another and even defending each other. If I am hurt then she is hurt, if she cries then I cry. We never let anyone or anything come between the friendship and bond we've created.

But that's just what it's like to have a best friends love..


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