Chapter 5

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Wassup it's ya boy Rico. I'm 19 years old, 6'2, light skin with curly hair that I sometimes let my cousin Stacy braid. I have a few tattoos, not just random tattoos either, the ones I have tell a story.

That's just a little bit about me, anyway I was in the car with my bro Kaydon, his friend Gabby and her friend Bella. I've noticed the shawdy Bella a couple of times, but I never said anything to her.

She's different, independent and about her education. The exact reasons I have to make her mine, when ever I compliment her she will look down and blush.

The movie date tonight took a turn for the worst. When my ex Tammy decided to start her shit with Bella. 'Really Rico? your over there  with that bitch, but you was just all up in me 3 hours ago what happen  to wanting your family back?'

When she said that I put my head down, it was true I had just been  with Tammy. Once upon a time she had my heart and I would never do her dirty. After she had my son, Rico Jr we just couldn't see eye to eye.

Trust me I've tried but the bad out weighed the good. I had to do what's best for myself and what was healthy for RJ, he didn't need to be around constant bickering and fighting.

Me and Tammy have been over for sometime now, but when I dropped RJ off earlier things were done and actions took place that I cannot take back. And then when Bella slapped the shit out of me... it really took me by surprise.

I won't lie, when she hit me I wanted to fuck her up but I would never put my hands on a female. I seen my pops do that to my mom enough and I will never be like him.

Before we left the movies I had to let Tammy know the shit she did wasn't coo at all. If it's not about our son, we don't have anything to talk about.


Kaydon drove everyone back to his house and I've been trying to figure out why. We have a curfew and I didn't want to upset papa Kyle (Gabby's dad). Gabby and Kaydon went up stairs to talk, I sat looking through my phone until Rico snatched it out of my hand.

"Yo light skin ass got balls huh? Give me my phone back before I slap your ass again!"

He sat my phone on the couch and said "your not gonna keep talking slick shit to me ma, but now that I have your attention we need to clear some things up."

"Negro please, I don't wanna hear shit you have to say so save it. Better yet don't you have a family you need to be getting home to? I'm sure your baby mama is waiting to tear you a new asshole"

He looked at me with a sexy smirk on his face.

"Green don't look good on you ma, I told you I'm single and its gonna stay that way until you say otherwise"

"First I have no reason to be jealous and secondly I don't want anything to do with you. I know your kind, using girls to get what you want. Well guess what I'm not that girl, I have standards and you don't fit them"

His eyes shot up as he looked at me in disbelief.

"Bitch fuck you and your standards, looking down on me like your better than me with your fat ass"

When he said that I wanted to run in a corner and hide but my grandmother's words popped in my head 'show no emotion, show no fear'.

"I may be a big girl but at least I'm not an egotistical, cocky bastard like you, who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the groun-"

Before I could finish my rant I felt someone tap me so I turned around. It was Gabby crying, seeing her like that made me forget about Rico.

"Gabby what happen? I will go fuck Kaydon up right now!"

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