Chapter 13

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I couldn't believe my eyes, Rico was really here. I just stared up at him, motionless.

"Tell me that bitch ass nigga Damien.. ain't do this to you"

I couldn't speak so I just shook my head up and down signaling, that it was in fact Damien who had beat me.

Rico started walking towards me and for some reason I was nervous. At the moment I don't trust anyone but Gabby. I started to walk backwards until I was up against the wall.

When I looked up I saw that Rico had stopped walking. He looked hurt.

"Why you backing up Bella? I know your not scared of me"

I didn't say anything back, I looked any where but at him.

"Ain't that some shit, I drove all the way up here to make sure you good and some nigga been beating you upside the head and now you scared of me"

He turned around about to walk out the door. I felt a pinge of guilt. I was treating him like he had done something wrong and all he was doing was making sure that I was okay.

"Rico" I said barely above a whisper.

He turned around and just looked at me. I walked over and stood in front of him.

We stood just looking each other in the eyes. I put my arms around his waist and buried my head in his chest. Soon I felt Rico's arms around my waist and his chin on the top of my head.

"I'm sorry, I'm jus-"

"Lil mama you ain't gotta explain nothing to me, just know that I would never hurt you"

"I know I'm just having a hard time trusting people right now"

"Well you can trust me ma, If I can't be the man you need me to be and add to your life then you don't need me"

I just shook my head in response.

I had chosen the one, I thought I knew, someone who was supposed to provide a safety net for me. Instead he used me when I was in a very vulnerable state. I couldn't even stomach the fact that Damien had put his hands on me. But he had, and that is proof that every one is not how they seem.

I vowed at that moment that I would give Rico a chance to be the man that I needed.

I looked around the room to make sure that I had everything that I needed.

I started to grab my bags but Rico stopped me, grabbing them from me.

I had the sudden urge to kiss him... so I did.

Kissing Rico, I felt so much passion, something I never felt with Damien. Kissing Rico felt so right, like that's where I belonged. I Swear the cologne that he had on was so intoxicating, that I didn't want to pull away but I had to.

Pulling away from Rico was so hard. I swear I could stay in his arms forever.

"Let's go, their probably waiting on us"

When we got down stairs I saw Gabby standing by my car.

"What's wrong now Gabby"

Faking a sad face she said "Kaydon is being mean to me and I don't want to ride with him"

I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Oh no, your riding with him, you had that fool come this far for your ass, you better go get in that damn truck. Not to mention the fact that you didn't tell me Rico was coming. Take your ass over there"

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