Chapter 17

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"Thanks" I said to Kaydon as he put my last suitcase in the trunk of my car.

"No problem, sorry I can't help with all the other stuff, but you know I got other important things to attend to, today"

He was real press, today Gabby has a doctors appointment and were hoping for some good news.

I smiled. "Oh yeah as soon as y'all leave, call me so I know the dealio"

"I got you sis" He gave me a quick hug before I got in my car, pulling off.

My relationship with Kaydon is like the relationship you have with a cousin who gets on your damn nerves, but you know they'll always be there for you. Like a little brother thinking their older than you. That's the perfect way to explain our relationship. Kay gets on my nerves and sometimes I can't stand him but I know he'll always have my back and for that I loved him

15 minutes later I was pulling up outside the town house that me and Gabby were now residing in. I felt a whole wave of emotions run through me.

I was happy that I finally had somewhere to really call my home. I finally had a place where I could always go when I didn't want to be bothered.

The house was nicely spaced or a town house. It was three bedrooms and two baths. There was one bedroom located on the first floor right around the corner from the bathroom. And two rooms on the upper level that were right next to each other with a bathroom to the right from the room that Gabby was gonna be staying in.

Taking two of the four suit cases that I had I walked into the house and went straight to the only room on the first floor, my Room. We felt it would be best for Gabby to take the rooms, upstairs for her and the baby.

Placing the suitcase in the middle of the floor I started to take my shoes out of the bag that housed them.

Taking my off my all black space jams, I put on my all black ugg slippers .

I grabbed my keys off the bed and walked out to get the rest of my bags. Opening the front door, there stood Rico.

I didn't say anything to him. I just walked pass him to my car. I opened  the trunk and reached in to get the last two suit cases but Rico had reached in and grabbed them first.

I watched Rico as he pulled the suit cases out the trunk and walked back to the house.

Shutting the trunk, I walked behind him.

I sat on the floor in the living room. We were still waiting on our living and dining room furniture. We had all of our bedroom stuff.

Rico came and sat beside me. He took my hand in his and just rubbed my knuckles.

We sat in silence for about ten minutes. Both getting our thoughts together.

I turned to Rico and said. " Babe..I- I'm sorry, I should have never put my hands on you, I was dead wrong for that"

I knew what I was doing last night at   the restaurant. I was trying to provoke Rico. I knew he would never hit me but I guess apart of me wanted to know for sure, that he could get mad and not take his frustrations out on me physically or otherwise.

I was mad at him for mentioning Rocko, but Kay was bound to find out about him eventually. So I couldn't be too mad. Last night was me pushing my limits with Rico. It was me finally, honestly letting go of whatever and saying this is a man who wants and loves me for who I am and I'm safe with this man.

I'm not stupid, there was a motive for me putting my hands on Rico the way I did it, when I did it and why I did it. There was men in that room that would go to war for me and I was definitely safe and protected there. Last night I finally got it that Rico Gabriel Martin Gonzalez was the one for me.

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