Chapter 8

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This chapter does not contain anyone's pov.. it's basically an overview of the girls night they had.


The night had started, Gabriella, Bella, Brook, Chloe and Aria sat in a circle on the floor indulging in the snacks that sat in front of them.

Every so often Gabriella would look around waiting for someone to start talking first. After 5 minutes of continuous staring Gabby spoke up.

"Ok since no one wants to go first I guess I will, Kaydon and I had taken our relationship further a few months ago.. I had always had love for him I was just too afraid to tell him. Thinking it would be a great way to put my feelings on the table, and get Bella and Rico acquainted I planned a movie date. Long story short it went south, that night he told me that the sex meant nothing to him and that broke my heart. Then I find out he has a girlfriend, who approached me the other day. I had to get out of character in the store. I'm so confused as to what I should do.. do I let go of Kay completely, ending all ties or do I believe his words when he says he loves me more than a friend?"

Brook shifted in her seat preparing herself for the shit Aria and Chloe would say. Gabby waiting patiently, rubbing her hands together nervously. She had never been so open to anyone about her personal life other than Bella and Brook.

"So basically Kay fucked you over, making you look like a damn fool and you still wanna be friends?"

Chloe spoke up first saying exactly what had been on her mind, purposefully using quotation marks when she said friends. Not caring how harsh her opinion may have sounded. Going on to say "wow" when she noticed Gabby hadn't said anything back.

Sensing the tension in the room Aria spoke up, feeling the need to uplift her sisters spirit since Chloe had no problem making her feel some type of way.

"Gabby don't let this cold hearted fool make you feel bad, and Chloe I know your not talking. What about all your fucked up past relationships?"

Aria had always the more sensible one, willing to listen to your problems and give advice.

"I know my relationships have been fucked up, that's why I'm telling her not to be a fool.. like I was"

Chloe got up leaving the room, she felt some type of way with what was being said. But after being salty for a few minutes, she soon returned back to the group as if nothing happened.

"Gabby your my baby sister, I'll always love and support you no matter what. I honestly don't think you and Kaydon are ready to take things to the next level, but you two have way too much history to let this come between y'all"

Brook was a true supporter when it came to Kaydon and Gabriella being together, but after all the things that happened she thinks they should remain friends until they both agree they want something more.

Gabby had been feeling confused and hurt about some of the things being said. She looked down still thinking about what Chloe had said.

"Maybe Chloe was rig-"

Before she could finish her sentence Bella interrupted her, not giving her a chance to say Chloe was right because she wasn't. Even though her intentions were good her opinion came off rather harsh.

"Don't let your closed minded sister discourage you from doing what you want to do. Y'all are different people who have different emotions, if Kay is who you really want go for it. I agree with Brook it's too much history to throw down the drain. He may just be the one, now I'm not taking up his pimple head ass but we all do and say things we don't mean. I see the way he looks at you, all lustful.. he wants you. Hell I'm surprised you haven't noticed, you notice everything else"

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