Chapter 16

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I sat down at the table next to Bella and Kaydon. We were out having dinner with our friends and family. They were here to celebrate me and Kaydon on our blessing to come, our son.. and me and Bella moving in together.

It was such an amazing surprise to walk into the restaurant, all these people expressing how happy they were for us. A few people decided they wanted to speak before the food came out.

My uncle Dominic stood up first. "First I want to say congratulations to my niece and my nephew, son your apart of the family now. I appreciate you for sticking by her side and being there for her. This is truly an amazing moment in your lives, young or old it doesn't matter. Prove those who think your not capable of being a good parent because of age wrong. I wish you two the best in parenthood, I know you will be the best parents that baby could ask for. I would like to congratulate my nieces on their new home. Finally stepping out of the nest. I'm so happy for you girls, you guys have grown into very beautiful smart young ladies and I wish you the best. Oh and let me not forget my other nephew, Rico. Thank you for taking care of Bella the way you do. You are an amazing guy, you and Kaydon better treat my girls right or else.."

Everyone clapped lightly and nodded in agreement. I smiled brightly as my mom stood up.

"I am gonna keep this simple. Congratulations to my baby and Kaydon on their son. I will say I have grown to the idea of having a grandson and I love him already. This process wasn't easy for me, I never wanted you to have a baby young like me. But I know you are gonna be the best mother you can be to Zachariah... I'm happy for you and Bella on the new house. I will say, I'm sad to see my babies go, mommy will miss you guys so much. I'm proud of you two.."

She sat down and cried, I got up and made my way over to her crying myself. I hugged her tight, my mom is my world, my everything so to see her get so emotional and choked up is hard. I know the tears are a mixture of sadness to see us go and happiness that we are growing up into amazing young women.

"Mommy it's gonna be ok, I'm still gonna be your baby.. you'll just have two now. Nothing will change after this I promise"

She nodded and excused herself to clean her face off. I returned my seat next to Kaydon, who took a wet wipe and clean my face for me. He pulled me close and kissed my check.

When my mom came back my dad stood up. He was the last to speak.

"Congratulations to my baby girl on her son. My first grandson, I'm extremely blessed that I even get to see this day. I will not dwell on age or anything of that matter. A baby is a beautiful thing and we will be doing nothing short of celebrating his life. You two will be amazing parents and I am so happy for you, I truly am. Lastly I am so excited for my girls to be moving on to bigger and better things. Moving out and into their own place, I wish you all many blessings and good fortune"

By now I had began crying, I'm so thankful for everyone being so supportive. Accepting my son and being so positive, I stood up to thank everyone for the kind words.

"I.. um"

I had to pause because I was crying so much. Kaydon stepped up and said thank you for me.

"We are just so thankful for all the kind words and positivity during this amazing time. We truly appreciate the love everyone has shown us. This means so much to not only me but Gabriella as well. It took her a while to really embrace this pregnancy. And with most of your help she has and we couldn't be any happier to be welcoming our first child together. We love you all, I am so happy to now be apart of the family, thank you for welcoming me with open arms"

I held his hand a bit tighter, proud that he spoke up because I couldn't. I still wanted to speak up and express how I felt so once I got myself together I spoke.

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