Chapter 7

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I had just gotten off the phone with Gabby and the girls night was set so I began packing my clothes. My back was turned, when I heard my mothers voice.

"And just where in the hell do you think your going?"

Chuckling, I replied "far away from you"

"So you grown now huh, don't get smart out the mouth with me Bella, you are my child and you live under my roof. Now I'm gonna ask you one more time and your ass better answer. Now where do you think you going?"

I looked at my mom like she had two heads, this was new, her wanting to know my where abouts. She sounded like she actually cared.

"Yes I am grown, I'm 18.. not that its any of your business, Im going to Gabby's house, where I'll have a piece of mind"

"You ain't going no damn where"

Looking at her as if she had lost her damn mind I said. "What ever drug your smoking got you tripping because you damn sure ain't talking to me"

It happened so fast that I didn't even see it coming. She had slapped the hell out of me, I stood there in shock before I realized that my mom had just slapped me. Looking up all I saw was red, I felt a feeling that I hadn't felt in years, belittled and defenseless. I hadn't felt like that since I was seven when my uncle used to molest me. I blacked out, I  couldn't control what I was doing.

Charging towards her I wrapped my hands around her neck. She clawed at my hands but I just gripped tighter.

"How does it feel.. huh? How does it feel to be defenseless!"

She tried to speak but couldn't. Watching her eyes roll to the back of her head, I came to my senses and dropped her, looking down at her I had realized what I had just done.

"I'm sorry mama, I didn't mean to" looking up at me her eyes were dark and cold.

Walking backwards to my bed I grabbed my overnight bag before rushing out of my room.

As I walked down the street I thought about my life.

"Need a ride" looking over, I noticed  it was Rico.

Rolling my eyes I said "No"

"Come on Bel, it's gonna rain, and I know you don't wanna be walking in the rain getting all sick and shit"

Glancing at the sky, It did look like it would rain and since I decided to walk I knew I wouldn't make it to Gabby's house without being caught in the rain.

"Okay, fine"

I went around to the passenger side of his G Class Mercedes Benz truck. Okay so let me just tell y'all that truck was everything. It was an off white color with red and white leather interior. As soon as I sunk into the the seat, I felt like I was in heaven.

"Where to Bel" Rico said snapping me out of the daze that I was in.

"Gabby's house"

"Aight ma, sit back and relax, I see you digging the truck"

"Yeah I am, it's fire.. do you need directions or do you remember?"

"Nah, I remember"

"Okay" I said barely above a whisper

My mind was now on my mom. I felt so bad just leaving her there like that. I mean yeah she is the main source of my pain but at the end of the day she's still my mama and not all the memories were bad ones. I didn't even know I was crying until Rico said something.

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