Chapter 18

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Me and Gabby were bringing In bags from the market, we had gotten some last minute items for our house warming that was tomorrow.

We were having a little get together with just our family. It was Kaydon's idea to have one. Gabby's family was going go be there and my family was going to be there as well, with the exception of my mom and dad, and that's because I hadn't invited them.

Right now the only thing that was stopping me from taking the initiative to reach out to my mom and dad was my pride. I was battling my demons within.

Apart of me wanted to see my parents so badly and have some type of connection; but then there was the other part of me, that felt like my parents didn't care about me at all. If they did, one of them would have tried to reach out to me somehow.

As we were putting the grocery's away Gabby said. "Have you talked to your mom or dad yet?"

"Ugh.. no, not yet"

"And why not, I know your still hurt by everything that went down but you have to move on, you keep saying that you have but clearly you haven't because If you did then you would have called them by now"

"I mm going to call them.. I have moved on, I just haven't found the time to call"

"Bella, you don't ever have to forget what's happened to you but you do have to forgive and move on, call them" Gabby said, handing me the house phone to me.

I reluctantly took the phone from her and walked to my bedroom.

Sitting on my bed I swirled the phone in my hand. I was nervous. what was I gonna say, what were they going to say?

Taking a deep breath I dialed the number. I was about to hang up when I heard a deep voice on the other end say. "Hello"

It was my dad. I was glad to hear his voice, I had missed him and I didn't even know until I heard his voice.

"Umm.. hi daddy" I said

"BeBe, is that you" he called me by the nickname he had given me when I was young. That caused me to smile, he hasn't called me that since I was about ten.

"Yeah dad Its me" I said shaking my head up and down like he could actually see me.

"Bella, where are you? I haven't heard from you in months, you okay baby"

"Yeah daddy I'm fine, I'm sure mom told you she put me out"

"She did and you know your mama crazy as hell, I wouldn't have paid her ass no attention. I know I'm no better than your mom but me and you have always been close we've always had a good relationship"

"Your right, we have but I guess I was just angry.. I was angry at you, I was angry at mama and I was angry at the life that was chosen for me"

"I'm sorry BeBe, I know I let you down, I let all of my children down, hell I let myself down, we were stuck in our own world. When we should have been in the real world. Everything that I've done has affected your life in some way and baby girl I'm sorry"

My dad was finally doing the thing that I wanted all my life and no it wasn't an apology, it was to take recognition and responsibility for his action that caused me so much heart ache.

Now my mom on the other hand. I don't know. When I was about ten or eleven I figured out my mom and dad were on drugs. Don't get me wrong I knew something was off about my parents but I didn't know what it was. Being young you really don't understand what's going on around you, your naive.. you just hope that things will get better.

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