Chapter 10

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It's been about two weeks since I got the text from Gabby saying that she was gonna go stay with her grandmother in New York. I swear the first couple of days, she was gone I had Gabby withdraws. I miss her so much but we text and talk everyday.

I had been staying with Damien since my mom put me out and we did get intimate a few of times. I swear I thought I was falling in love with that fool, but I was slowly noticing changes in him. He'd be gone all day and night and sometimes he wouldn't come home for day's.

We had started to get into little arguments and he would always say some smart shit that hurt my feelings. Did I let his ass know that his words had an affect on me, hell NO!

This just happened to be one of the weeks where Mr. Damien decided not to let me know he wouldn't be home for a couple of days.

I don't know what it was that was in me but something told me to just look around this big ass house that I was currently calling my home. Damien had a room in the basement that he kept shut and locked at all time. I never invaded his privacy because I was staying in his house and we weren't officially a couple so I felt that I had no entitlement to go surfing through his things.

Going into Damien's treasure where he usually kept his keys and loose change, I grabbed the ring of keys and made my way to the basement.

After trying five different keys, I had finally come to the key that unlocked this door. Pushing the door open all I saw were plastic bags on the shelf to my right and duffle bags on the shelf to my left.

I felt like I was looking at stuff that I wasn't supposed to see. I began wondering if I should open those bags or just forget that I've even came down here.

My curiosity got the best of me and I opened one of the plastic bags first and it had bricks on top of bricks of cocaine in it, shocked I opened two more plastic bags and they also had cocaine in them.

Realizing that I hadn't even opened the duffel bags, I moved to the other wall and unzipped a bag only to find it was filled with guns. Opening another bag I found stacks of money in rubber bands. Putting everything back the way it was I ran back upstairs to put the key back.

I was now sitting on the couch and I was hurt, confused and pissed but what I really felt was dumb and humiliated. In all the years that I've known him how didn't I know that his ass was a drug dealer.

Not only that but he had me living here while he had that shit in the house. I knew he was a little slow but damn, even Urkel would have known to never keep that shit where you rest your head. Fucking dummy!

I've been calling that fucking fool all damn day and he ain't answer not one time.  I had been sitting in the living room waiting for him to walk through the door and he hasn't yet.. so I was about to say fuck that nigga, go to bed and leave his ass tomorrow.

I ain't about to be staying in this bitch and he ain't here. They'd be taking my sentimental, emotional ass out of here in hand cuffs. Nah fuck that.

As I was walking up the stairs, Damien decides to come into this muthafucka without a care in the world. Turning around I looked at him and I could see that he was either high or drunk,  which ever one I wasn't about to be bothered so I politely turned back around and made my way to my room, usually I would be in his but not tonight.

"Bella, I know your ass seen me" Damien yelled, his words were slurred. I just closed my room door.

I swear I was already pissed and I wasn't for the shit tonight.

As I was laying in my bed, Damien walked in turning the light on. I quickly shut my eyes pretending to be sleep but it didn't work he just stumbled over the bed shaking me. "Bel get up"

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