Chapter 9

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I was on my way home when I seen Damien just around the corner from my house.

"Hey BelBear, you on your way home?"

"Yeah, coming from Gabby's house"

Damien grabbed my hand stopping me from walking and turning me towards him.

"When you gonna get with a real nigga"

Blushing I said "boy please you got to many yamps around this bitch"

Looking me in the eyes he said "for real Bel, I want you to be mines"

"Yeah me and how many others"

"Just you ma, let me take you out tonight"

I stood there for a moment thinking before replying.

"Sure, let me go home and get ready"

"Aight, cool so I'll see you in about an hour right?"

"Yes Damien"

Walking away I thought, I might as well see what this fool talking about, I am feeling him.

Walking into my house it was a mess. Stuff was everywhere.

I leave for two days and this is what it turns into.

Walking back to my room, I couldn't believe what I saw. Everything was trashed, but what really caught my eye was the silver heart shaped necklace with the initials CLB on the back. CLB stands for Carlton loves Bella. It was on the floor instead of its usual spot on the wall. Walking over to pick up the tiny pieces that had been broken, I felt tears threatening to fall. That necklace was special to me because my grandfather had given it to me right before he had passed. Thinking about my necklace and my grandpa my tears finally fell.

"So you finally decided to come home"

Looking up I saw my mom. Then it a clicked, she's the one who did this.

Through the tears I said.

"You did it, didn't you?"

She just smirked

"You bitch, I have never hated someone as much as I hate you right now.

" Lil girl, you better act like you know, I will beat you-"

I cut her off as I got up off the floor.

"You'll do what huh? Because there ain't much that you haven't already done. What you'll beat my ass, is that what you were gonna say? Girl I'd like to see you try it"

Charging at me, she tried to push me but I pushed her first.

Wiping my eyes I said "you can't hurt me anymore, any love that I had for you is gone... I'm not angry at you, I pity a crackhead like you"

She looked at me with hatred and anger.

"Get your shit and get the fuck out of my house and don't come back"

I gave her the same look of hatred.

"Already gone, and don't worry I wouldn't dream of coming back"

Going to my closet I started to grab everything that was not ruined and I stuffed it into my suitcase. Walking back over to where my necklace was I picked up all the pieces. I was gonna go to a jewelry store and see if it could be fixed.

I walked pass my mom and out the house. As soon as I hit the front step Damien was walking up.

Damien pulled me into a hug which caused me to break down. I stood in Damien's arms for a good five minutes before I got myself together.

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