Chapter 13 | Part 2

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"They finally getting their shit together" Rico said pulling out of the gas station lot.

"Oh trust me Gabby will find something to argue about with him, they'll always have their drama"

"Yeah, but they're  made for each other, some people just are" Rico looked at me briefly before looking back at the road.

When he said that I started blushing hard as hell. I was so glad at that moment, that I wasn't a light bright.

"Yeah your right about that"

We sat in silence after that, it was some what of a comfortable silence but I still had thoughts that were running wild in my head. I needed to let Rico know how I was feeling because at the end of the day I had mad feelings for him. But I wasn't a dummy either, I'm not about to jump head first into a relationship.

If we were going to do this, we had to take things slow.  "Look Rico I like you, I don't want to string you along because if we don't end up as a couple. I want us to be able to still be friends"

"Bella I understand that your going through some things but it sounds like your giving up on us, before we even start anything"

Sighing, I replied "That's not It at all, all I'm saying is that we need to take things slow because I thought that I knew Damien.. when I really didn't. I don't want a repeat of what happened"

Rico slammed on the brakes, causing me to  look over at him like he was crazy. I noticed he was looking straight ahead gripping the steering wheel. He shook his head..

"I know you been through a lot in the last couple of weeks but don't ever compare me to that nigga, I ain't no woman beater nor will I ever be. I done seen my pops beat on my moms enough to know what the fuck It does to you. Hell he done beat my ass a couple of times to"

I wasn't trying to compare him to anyone, but that didn't stop the guilt that I felt for saying what I had said.

Rico started driving again and it was quiet for about a good ten minutes, before I had enough courage to say what needed to be said.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't implying that your anything like Damien. Trust me I know your more man than he'll ever be."

"Man, Bella not everybody Is out to hurt you, like you said I got you as long as you got me"

"I know and I apologize... I didn't mean It the way that It came out"

"No need to apologize just don't do that shit again"

I responded by just shaking my head.

We sat In silence just listening to music for a good twenty minutes, until I decided  to ask something that had been on my mind.

" Rico...what is it, that you do"

"I'm a tattoo artist, I makes my paper the legal way baby"

"Oh that very interesting, I've been wanting a tattoo... now I know where I can get one.. and for free"

"Nahh lil mama, I gotta get mines the best way I can, so that means either you pay or you have my baby"

I was shocked that he said that. My facial expression caused Rico to start laughing. I mean hold your side, tears coming out your eyes laughing.

"That not funny"

"Nahh but your facial expression was, I mean I was only joking with you"

I hit Rico in his arm hard while he laughed, he plays to much.

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